Friday, March 31, 2023

The Well

someone thirsty made a well
now still
deep but never filled

far down with rope
the dusty bottom 
rusted pennies
old hope

Thursday, March 30, 2023


influences of heartbeat
wash through slumber
feel lips and tongue slide

use caution that any potential
fluid flows
may provoke awakening wide

best then to get in
a bath of water 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Pull Of The Future

head spinning 
infinitudes make us
paint dance sing

at the gate
beg mercy on 
clouds of dead wishes

still harping away 
rat in a cage 
linguistic pharmakon 

write now
to grind tomorrow 
out of your system

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Riding Eternal Return

unconscious minutes 
time unclaimed living 
gestating some dream
keep you drifting

in the forest there 
the glade the rocks
feet in the cold clear green stream
sunlit to the bottom is brown 

words not spoken will out
bones washing up on shore
phantoms and night voices
the gnashing of teeth 

do we live again as on a loop
the nightmare we can’t awaken from
rotating airport baggage claim 
only unzip the case

true void surrounds you
nowhere gone lost 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Last Year Writing In The Cold Wet North

paper canvas rows these words 
black splatters on a tattered sheet 
filter out the weeds and roots
from gardens where 
little birds eat the new seeds
gold beaks and black feathers 

hours spent drinking old flames
drawing birds with rings and cages
writing poems until the trickle dies
from that overgrown othered land 
of flickering light and inspiration
one more slipping through the door

and then i could sleep 
for ages and ages

Sunday, March 26, 2023

After The Flood

trees stood after the flood 
streets lined with black sticks
covered in cotton candy 
sticky sweet complete
with skittering legs 
and sacks of eggs 
they live on god’s grace
bless them all to hell

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Indefinite Sisyphean Interregnum

being guilty of no crime i walk free
another locus of infinite nothing

each day rising and falling a round rock
up the hill then back down the hill again

collecting or ejecting encounters
all things here inherently unequal

sometimes searching for authenticity
the whole universe empties inside us

Friday, March 24, 2023

Orange Flavored Storm

that first spring storm still tastes of orange
the cold juice and acidic lightning 
we were not afraid when we were kids
splashing in puddles rain soaking through 
our heavy shirts sticking to our bodies
dunking those popsicles into the sky

Thursday, March 23, 2023

When The Rains Came

when the rains came
they brought small suns to the greening grass
when after a time they passed
sunlight lent the leaves its flame

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

How Each Night I Prepare For War

i just want to be a dad and make art
to write poems and stories and to read
to do these simple things is all i need
but wages wage their beatings on my heart
the day’s committees dictate what i write
and maintenance of monsters that i make
is all the mental labor i can take
until at last beneath a single light
wielding pen or with my anvil easel right
i forge my mental armor long into the night

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Spring Leaving

end of spring 
quiet campus
lost in a dream 
of green bloom 

flowering burst
into petaled flame 
luxurious melancholy 
anticipating summer

we walk after rain
warm wet asphalt 
dryer vent air
clumps of cut grass

red sunlight splashing
on shore sand and shells
bony bare driftwood 
cliffs of Dunkirk shale

in the children’s park
arms and hands raised 
breeze swaying trees
laughter and the applause of leaves

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mortal Recoiling

the harrowing turning sun comes home
that place remains broken
even when you are sober
above your shifting skin of sands 
within your damp and sloping depths
the tacit tainted segue to awareness
of the beating blood within you
the rhythmic limits of life 
send you running for safety
in the intensity of darkest night
twin to your fear

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Bad Faith My Love

at your foundation lies a vast maze
you say “Am I on trial? What’s next? Torture?
Let me go back home.
There’s no cause for these questions.”

what light shines from your frigid demeanor
while you pretend ignorance
even from your friends there are pages of rumors
seas of accusations and the words that you say
always fold back in on themselves
so it’s not only in love you are unfaithful

they all warned me of the danger
but i didn’t care drawn to
the roses of your mysterious lips breaking 
opening only the smallest aperture
then bursting into a confusion of petals
that wilt before touching my hands

Saturday, March 18, 2023

To Escape The Gravitational Influence Of A Primary Body

sold nature for an oblong belonging 
obtuse human alien crouched
huddled fearful back of the mind 
bin where trash culture collects
ripe for the picking
arbitrary constructed beauty standards
preoccupation with collagen lips
grafted skin on a razor thin skeleton
perpetually arriving life of the party

thick cut it with knife tonight the silence 
empty elevators ascending the mountain
into orbital chaos rife with confusion 
space trash forever falling forms a boundary
out beyond the known gridded symmetries
black holes flung out from galactic center
vast vacuum ambient energy

the anxious freedom latent calling
this does not require empty space

familiar pain home fear concepts chains
laws rules restrictions constraints
resource paucity

the question is however the same
how to reach escape velocity

Friday, March 17, 2023

Taking The Night Off

No poem tonight, dear readers. My eyes are closing. Tough week, tough day, time for much needed rest.

Good night.

Be good to each other.

Thursday, March 16, 2023


attend to returning by
the arduous pull of desire
shining in an instant’s eye
of ardor remembered

its absence thickens in you
with a needed drop of duress
quell this aching and endure
for the journey is lifelong

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Life Of Illusions

sick the puzzle 
predicated on future truths
when at present
priorities so easily dissolve
in fictional solvents

backed only by shadows
sunken hopes 
still seem secure
as cellars in a dry season
before skies fall

adding death together
with life’s fruit
the desire of men to fly away
an indulgent mistake
the sweeter richer life
the more acrid death

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Last Chances

sing loud and long
this violent autumn language
we blessed few ragged as dogs
alone our tongues would languish 

boast foliage’s suffocation
its blemishes so quaint
the hours of high sun are gone
the souvenirs ancient

if my memory holds
sky will vent its mauve light
the last exhaust as winter
dances down to death

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Introvert Comes Back

a desolate hour in company branches 
entire anxious campaigns of thought
demure dying in a partial whisper

one eye on the forest cabin
one on the mountain monastery
joining a long pilgrimage of mind

someone asks a question
someone laughs open
please excuse me

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Against Death

sighing over pages 
from the mire under turned leaves
singing up to whatever god you have

woe is the hour of death 
worse is dying without
verses of hurt turned out

watch for signs 
you can understand 
transcribe and sleep

woe sinks then
see him maddeningly fast
in flight

Saturday, March 11, 2023

War Hero

elevated from battle “Callooh! Callay!”
empty-chested rusted tin men come to play
pin the metal on the government ass

you need help and happiness
not celebration
what did they make you
why did you let them

on orders

how many children did you kill
we’re all somebody’s children

Friday, March 10, 2023


empty your mind
fill with drink and dine in my home
we will lead you down
grand spirals of good humor

enjoy the desperation
of palatial sin 
what can be done in perdition
but screaming out your loves 

the ultimate and cruelest marriages
provide the ultimate answers
see how in my deserted crown
grows the perfect bloom

presently in the whirlwinds of chaos
we have chosen silence

now your sad eyes
see the darkest truths
despondent hands if armed
will execute even a timid flower

the austere solitude
of dawning day or evening 
all windows open on the same
errant wars of gravity

assent to acquiescence
the mindlessness of the familiar
revive the temperate peaceful tyranny
of silence

Thursday, March 9, 2023

At The Threshold Of The Fifth World

sunset gestates over the jubilant waste
cracking its bloody egg on the horizon
it will never learn night’s mad jittering hands
these last altered shimmers

watch hands unseemly needles
tear away beneath those urban altars
delivering the false fruit despair

don’t roam too long among the grieving
wipe clear the failings of self
gain the spirit of these giving quills

and in the hovels seek dark truths 
feverish resting on their haunches
awaiting the coolness of night to emerge

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Love and Language

eternally you come with the kindest gazes 
and just as quickly go 
leaving me like a stranger sick with longing

you die and transfigure
as though from rain sternly built 
beams shine dance regenerate

gathering beside me again
restless in faith and overbearing
surest when dying enshrined

confidently natured daring to jump
you hail fear for that unknown endlessness
and undermine its very fabric

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Undecidable Half Life

the pain of rose thorns ends in the den-altered tomb
entwined clutched with shining face and hand
that sober beast fallen with lost blooms
whose gagging life flickered even as they stood

cradle to cradle you shine small collision still colliding
and my life these nights a glance
against the bloodiest looks of dying vermin
then closed eyes longing jaded and tired

sit here ragged in dust
with a finger sign your name
plights are light where we room in the loft

then a knock 
and becoming wise to approaching night 
mention our rot but rung by rung get over

finally lying where barren rooves 
stand unbeaten under the stars

Monday, March 6, 2023

Uneven Ground

was it dark in the sight of bedlam
that shriek made stone 
that solid shadow form

shocked into surrender
like turned earth seeded
the kindly gardener ripping out weeds

gold-crowned dandelions
protective persevering nasturtiums
the medicinal mallows

now see how mild the orderly rows
ready again to produce without complaint
cultivated weight on your back

Sunday, March 5, 2023


passive choices and votive aims
charming masks will eat anything
jauntily facing death in half formed dances
trysts disquieting leers all disguised

but my dear I am calm and clear as the sun
quit fate revere the arbitrary damned
the sourest ecstasy will split in two to share
forever remembered as in Elgin marbles

Saturday, March 4, 2023

When We Decided The Fate Of Freedom

tear the sun up stiffly
drag me out to the clearing
into a glistening prehistoric world 
of beer and grain

under the eyes of gabbing seekers
all night i am restless
and night itself is anxious
jumping at the least warning

a wonder at human brilliance
shines from the throng
the possibility of succor for all
dulling at last the fangs of war

when the sting enters the balm
relief sounds like a gong
no holier pain in leaving sings 
winking or walking out or wings

Friday, March 3, 2023

Of Borders and Money or The Absence Thereof

frolic romance
get full lie
all wanderings lead to darkness
metal casket wooden coffin stone sarcophagi

only debt is deathless
that awful entreaty of men
whose lines mark weird geographies 
everywhere staggering

sickening with anger besides
building the ungovernable wind

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Damned Nomenclature

we sinned naming everything
and the shreds of day
bent to our calling sight

everything became an island
wild violets withered
beneath infatuated sighs

knaves at last went mute
night a cool drink darkly flavored
and hell blazed overhead

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Language In Time

see the kind sternly built writer
in death whose selfsame anger bright
for flocks stolen led blind beneath blankets
full of trite tracts and ransomed dinner

marched as the damned through jagged night
symbols and sounds already arbitrary disbanding
mistaken for incomprehensible signs of nature

the true wish verbosely inscribed within oak
having survived the paperman’s axe another season
unseen and silently echoing rings

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...