Friday, September 30, 2022


the appearance of equality
ambiguities of collaboration
circumstances of having to deal 
with another locus of power
the balance creates 
a perception of an imbalanced dynamic
by some resistant to change
expectation to perform
not realizing                                     
you don’t need to achieve it 
on your own

Thursday, September 29, 2022

F. E. Church

hilltop ruin built upon steadfast rock
swallowed by moss and shadow cast against
sublime splendor of blue and golden dawn
humankind smashed in its rage’s floodtide

nature’s way is to reclaim the ill-used
emerging from the earth like vines or trees
the artist with child’s eye and careful hands
sees the panorama and is engulfed

sees that all becomes engulfed and captures
the grand desolation of all designs

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Untitled 9.28.22

mercurial eyeless pollen 
fights the rain’s green thumb 
exercises the demon to your right

faster longer lasting night lights 
ore of the tree fuel 
make artists of us all
for fifteen minutes of absolute

weeping in the gutters
gnashing of teeth
grist for the mill

the running feet of a caretaker
hand dragging the bedpan
deadpan are we there yet 

no one is in the tunnel this afternoon 
if we go through we can hold hands 
cold spirits unseen and
sit on the park bench beneath the fruit tree kissing 
under a cloud haloed moon 
breath smelling of

all that fermented fruit at our feet
wasted on the ground 
haunting the olfactory branches

wife in the garage cleaning out the old tools 
making room for new artifice
new songs crackling on the radio

shafts of sunlight
gloria oh gloria there you are
we were just talking about you

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Actor

provide a path
instead of falling
seasoned becoming

onstage a prompter 
without this supportive part
performs this function

the double-edged sword
identity and nature
human to humus

Monday, September 26, 2022

Vintage Music

out of the violet shadow of the red rock
cold clear water calls singing
voice rising misty from the falls
condensing on green leaves fading gold
droplets running down smooth veins
between the dark grooves 
in bitter mossy bark
toward the rising smell of redolent loam
fast around roots thirsting
for the rich mineral sweetness 
of last season’s songs

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Please Don't Wait

it’s no use to say
there’s so much to say
to further hesitate or
preface lazy phrasing

everything is in the saying
and the patience of the listener

so don’t tell me 
you don’t know where to start
but begin well and let words
do the rest

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Snow Day

dark winter mornings
the voice of my father 
rattling my bedroom door 
get up and shovel snow 

in the frozen predawn blue
from the wine dark sky
large white flakes pelting 
up the rutted dirt and gravel driveway 

when done dreading 
this will happen again 
in darkness after dinner 

into the warm wood-heat 
stripping wet ice encrusted clothes
a steaming hot shower 
and catch the news school’s closed 

relief and joy doubled 
when the clouds break
and the sun comes out


Cobbled together, 
a thousand mornings are empty
cardboard boxes stacked in a wall,
held together with tape.
A strong wind, or a child 
towel-caped like a superhero,
could demolish such a fragile façade,
in the green back garden, 
swollen with spring rain.

Every carbon-copy black night,
a man seeks every distraction
from the anticipation of 
never feeling happiness again.

Wincing at shadows,
writing and painting over the void
those fragments of beloved memories, 
concave with the reversing
weight of nothing.

Friday, September 23, 2022

More Than Human

more than human in name only
i slowly came into my roaming
so most here don’t know me
and no one owes me or owns me
religiously devoted to existential mess
needing tenderness 
dancing with the woman in the velvet dress 
that song grows more appealing by degrees
the autumn wind through the leaves
in the trees relieves me
the truth is i’m despairing believe me
and that could never free me
would freeze me if i let it
to give in would be too easy 
that’s sleazy so forget it
manufactured fracturing of the real struggle
to stay grounded and actual without a muzzle
so to speak clearly on my intentions
adding angles to my mentions
while maintaining a healthy somewhat selfless attention
disinterested interest like Edward Said said
before 2003 came and i learned he was dead
through overdue tears it’s hard to describe my sorrow
nineteen years tomorrow

Thursday, September 22, 2022


crippling fear of death by degrees dawned
an awareness of a desired distant 
removal made manifest

it was not an achieved alien attention
nor cool remove
nor ecstatic outside looking in

no it was the inside looking 
through the further within off kilter
and the stranger self a filter

in brief i had my head
so far up my own ass 
i was using my bitter eyes for glasses

and so taking action 
means a painful therapeutic
process of extraction

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Orpheus In Hindsight

if you fucks were in any way worthy of trust
i would never have needed look back
but you‘re all greed and envy lies and lust
a bunch of pumped-up parricidal maniacs

Hades, you fool, you closed your eyes
while your bloody brothers peeking cheated
Poseidon and Zeus stole the sea and the skies
you slunk down underground betrayed and defeated

so now i’ll let these women tear me limb from limb
and chuck my bits and lyre in the stream
i turned and i return but not with visage grim
for Eurydice and our eternal dream

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


how impossible contentment feels
always awash in a wake of past worries
always waiting for what will skew awry
while meaningful moments slip idly by

Monday, September 19, 2022

Like Riding A Bike

if something requiring muscle memory
is like riding a bike

i unwillingly waited to fourteen
to learn balance on a ten-speed
then i fell instantly in 
scabby-elbowed bloody-kneed love

peddling up hill after hill
muscle power transfigured to joy
inviting nighttime charley-horses 

or a smiling fool sweating rocketing
down a steep sleeping street

most hair-wild summer days lost
taking turns to new places 
as my whole hometown unrolled

so what is it again that’s so like
riding a bike
sounds like the time of my life
if i remember right

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Gravity of Being

often translated as truth but
a fundamental force of mutual attraction
distinct from common conceptions
opening between the curvature 
of space and time
on Earth gives weight
to things appearing as entities in the world
while the Moon makes tides
the opening of presence
organized original chaos into stars and galaxies
human fluid circulation cell differentiation
how things are made intelligible for
bodies uniformly accelerating
in freefall

Saturday, September 17, 2022


the tiny elf owl
hunts scorpions under a
silver desert moon

Cold Fish

    The carcasses of dead fish dotted the hardpack every few feet. Their silver scales shone against the dark sand in the late afternoon light. The warm, spring air of early May was thick with the smell of lake water and putrefying fish. 

    Charles squinted out across the sunlit water and absentmindedly poked a stick into the empty eye socket of a brown trout. The flies congregating there stirred, and then settled back down unwilling to give up their meal. 

    Beside him, Mal looked up and down the beach at all the fish, and wondered what was so wrong with Lake Erie that this happened every spring. He said, “So what are you going to do in Pittsburgh?”

    Charles pushed the stick deeper into the fish’s skull, lifted it, and flung it from the end of the stick out into the water. Sand blew back and pelted his face. Coughing, he turned his back to the wind, spit, and wiped his face on his sleeve while Mal laughed. 

    When he was done, he turned back to the lake and threw in the stick. “I already have a job lined up at a Barnes and Noble. I start training in two weeks. And I already got my acceptance letter from U Pitt, so barring an act of god, I’ll start there in the fall.”

    Mal picked up a piece of driftwood and stabbed a pointed end into the pale belly of another eyeless fish corpse. When the skin broke, some of the intestines slid out into the sand. “You worried?”

    “Nah.” Charles waved a hand in dismissal. “I’m like, fuck it, dude, you know? Jackie and I have a place, so I’ll have a roof over my head. I’ll work and take classes, she’ll get her PhD first, and I’ll get mine the year after. Then whatever happens, happens.”

    They turned and walked farther down the beach in silence. Mal walked head-down, looking for beach glass. Charles found a new stick and stabbed at the fish. A large log had washed up on the beach, and Charles jumped up on it, dropped the stick, and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He closed his eyes and let the wind off the water blow his hair back.

    Mal looked behind them at their footprints in the sand. He took a deep breath and then turned to Charles. “Look man, there’s something I have to tell you.”

    The tone of his friend’s voice made him open his eyes and look down. Mal looked away out over the water. “What’s up?”

    “Remember the night of Rob’s party when I had to go pick up the pizza because their driver quit? And Jackie said she would go with me?”

    Charles nodded. His face was calm, but he felt his chest tightening.

    “She told me she knew you cheated on her with Christa. When I asked if she was okay, she said she was over it, and then … she asked me if I would fuck her.”

    “Oh shit. Fuck. Don’t tell me this shit now.” Charles jumped down, picked up a rock the size of a baseball and threw it in a high arc that ended in the lake. “Don’t fucking tell me, man.”

    “I have to, man. You’re going to live with her, and probably end up marrying her. She looked at your text messages. That’s how she found out.”

    “So. Did you fuck her?”

    Mal had tears in his eyes. “Yeah man. Yeah, we fucked.”

    Charles walked briskly up to Mal and shoved him. “You fucking cunt.”

    Mal fell backward, landing on his ass in the rock littered sand. Charles kicked him in the stomach and then fell on him with fists jabbing. Mal barely had time to get his arms up. Charles pinned him with his knees, and punched all the harder, screaming and spitting into his shielding hands and face. He tasted blood. He knew his lower lip was split and swelling. He could no longer open his left eye.

    When he finally stopped, Charles sat back looking at his throbbing fists. Mal took the opportunity to lash out with a sneakered foot, and heard the moist crack as his friend’s nose broke. Blood poured down over Charles’s lips and chin, spattering his shirt, but he just nodded and sat there watching it, crying and spitting into the sand.

    After a few minutes in silence, the friends stood and looked at each other with alien eyes. Charles took off his shirt, crumpled it in one hand, and held it to his nose. Mal went to the water, found a flat, cold, fist-sized rock, and pressed it to his left eye.

    Then, in silence, with the sun sinking behind them into the polluted water and its dying fish, they made their way back up the beach to the parking lot, and whatever lay beyond.

Friday, September 16, 2022


in my rage
i sit quietly unfocused
i imagine i am in my heart pounding 
on the ceiling
so tired and pissed about 
the noise going on upstairs

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Good Heart Marketplace

butterflies straddle your overactive body
your heart beats too fast
on the other hand
you may feel depressed
consequences for your heart
are either too much or too little
reserve the right to reject tampering
the more common maladies
can be confusing in most situations
in the past they were tightened
too many people are still being missed

if you believe you are convinced
you can purchase the equation for good
provided weekly free of charge
made possible in stores as a service 
to their customers but
it’s their sole property
reproduction is forbidden
they will not be held responsible
for the space occupied by error 
in any way shape or form and
prosecute to the full extent of the law

the other steps remain key
to keeping your heart

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


the curmudgeonly miser over his ledger
looks down the nodules on his nose
counting coins he hides away

in a day the debt of his death
paid in base matter

for those who come to collect
it’s no matter at all

the earth swallows all
the rest is burned away

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


hollow gourd that rattles dried 
shriveled corn and teeth inside 
shake it shake it make it talk
insides leak out on the walk
so stuff it in a sack and stow it
aging uninspired poet

Monday, September 12, 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022


half asleep beneath a dull distended moon
flat stars staring eyes from the swamp night sky
passion once prevailing was the wet monsoon
passed leaving the season aged and dry

Espresso Rossa

Hesper stood from her seat at the café table and waited to see if the large black pickup truck would slow. Horns blared as it blew through a stoplight two intersections away headed in this direction. A rush of adrenaline sharpened her senses. Noon light, reflected from windshields and bumpers, stabbed at her eyes. She heard gasps and cries of alarm from other café patrons who stood, ready to run – with one exception.
Parking was restricted in the front central area beyond the roped off patio. The truck was headed for exactly that spot. In the targeted area of the patio, at a small, round, single table, sat a man dressed in black jeans, a white polo and a black jacket. He was sipping espresso. A laptop was open on the table in front of him. He slowly put his cup back on its saucer and watched the approaching truck, his eyes narrowed to slits. 

To Hesper he looked less frightened than angry. Hateful, she thought.
She looked at the approaching truck and backed to the outside edge of the patio, reaching into her pocket for her phone. The driver of the truck was a woman with wild blonde hair blowing in the wind of the truck’s open windows. She was wearing large dark sunglasses and the left side of her face was covered in cuts and bruises. 

The driver’s attention was focused on the man with the black jacket who pushed his chair away from the table, but remained seated and staring.
Hesper stepped back again and felt the rope separating the patio from the sidewalk press against her leg. She raised her phone and took a burst of pictures of the vehicle and its driver. 

The truck thudded over two low concrete barricades. The sound of squealing brakes shredded the air as it skidded over the no parking area. When the truck finally stopped, a black cloud of smoke and the stink of burned rubber followed. The front bumper struck the small round table. It skidded on metal feet across the cement and smacked into the café windows crating a massive spider web of cracks. The laptop smashed on the cement patio and the white ceramic espresso cup and saucer flew. They hit the metal window frame and shattered to jagged pieces that sprayed in every direction.
Patrons screamed and jumped the patio ropes onto the sidewalk. Several of them turned back to watch, their phones out and up. 

From inside the café, muffled shouts and frenzied motion that Hesper could barely see through the highly reflective windows and glass door. 
The driver of the truck screamed and pounded the steering wheel. She threw open the driver’s side door and half tumbled out, landing on bare feet. Hesper watched as the woman rifled in her small white leather purse, while cursing loudly. She kept the open door of the truck between her and the man who finally stood, a mask of red rage on his face.

Hesper’s eyes were drawn to the thick silver rings he wore on each of four fingers of his right hand. The carved flat tops caught the sunlight as he squeezed that hand into a fist.
“Alyssa, you stupid bitch, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he hissed through gritted teeth.
The woman, Alyssa, found what she was looking for, and pulled a diminutive black handgun from her purse. It could have been a child’s toy, but something about the way the woman held it, and leveled it at the man as she slammed the door of the truck, told Hesper this was no toy. 
“Fuck you, you son of a bitch.”
“Jesus Alyssa. Look at you. What are you gonna do? Shoot me? You wanna go to fucking jail?”
Then, she shot him in the leg. He screamed in pain and hit the ground hard on his ass. 
“Better in jail than in that fucking house one more minute with you.”
Two café waiters in uniforms – black pants, black shirts, black aprons – approached from behind Hesper. As they passed her, one of them whispered, “Call 911.”

She watched as they gave the front of the patio a wide berth and moved quickly to the back of the black truck. They slowly approached the woman from behind.
She pulled the trigger again. He screamed and clutched at his chest. The white polo turned dark red from under his hand. His lips moved, but Hesper only heard a series of low gurgles. Blood spattered between his lips and down his chin, and then he fell over.
The waiters tackled the woman to the ground. The gun skittered across the cement and came to rest at Hesper’s feet with a few spinning white pieces of coffee cup.

The bloody man’s chest heaved once, twice, and then he lay still. A red puddle spread out beneath him. His rings glinted needles of light.

Finally turning away, hands shaking, she made the call.

Saturday, September 10, 2022


thinking of all that history
just stories told sold and traded
the time before we were born
pools of selected fictions faded
into which we are birthed and swim

to not have been
to be to stand and then
to never be again

awake aware alive
this now the only time we span
then thrust into the thoughtless dark
to never be again

Friday, September 9, 2022

Cyclical Repast

first green once gold grown old at fate’s calling
from summer’s fading green pass through the gate
where boughs adorned with autumn’s fire falling
bow low beneath their fructuous bounty’s weight
soft but slick the covered ground appalling
forms cemetery season’s harvest plate

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Pope Nietzsche

gold robed pontiff ride 
wholly upon that deeply buried instinct
mud flecked regalia

melt waters rise flowing over loam
bear the dead blessing 

build a bridge 
to the silent frigid pitted fertile face 
of god

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


she walked in the red bar 
and the music changed 

her gaze swam the atmosphere 
warming here 
cooling there

and i wanted to be the air over her lips
the cold drink she sipped
the condensation rolling over her hand
the dance her body took into the rhythm

not to possess that muse
but to be a medium
through which she moved

and she didn’t even speak to me
but it was all glory glory 
glory to share 
the space with her at all

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Empty Place

the house is dark
but for her open eyes
no animal taps across the floor
no hungry mouth cries

a kettle steams in moonlight
spilling on a table fit for two
the extra chair in shadow
the pregnant silence blue

Monday, September 5, 2022

Persecution Prosecution (Let's Call The Whole Thing Off)

that former journalist 

government agencies corrupt
marked crackdown media 
military industrial affairs
shady arms deals

information published
gathered in the public court
national accusations confirmed 

insisted on his innocence 
illegal charges absurd 
fabricated case ruling
authorities’ revenge exposed

a monstrous sentence

that former journalist
was convicted of treason
with no evidence

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Summer Down In A College Town

sometimes i remember
mauve sunsets at the beach 
the rocky giving sand 
the somehow salt smell of lake water

cycling alone in purple dusk
wonderful free sweat
heat of the summer running
followed by long late-night walks

through quiet empty streets
no greater loneliness
no greater freedom

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Banned Books

curled dead leaves
doors of advantage closed 
privileging harm 
wings clipped limits
minds dropping from flight

attention’s hunger celebrates freedom
libraries expand perspectives
encourage a boundless worldview
explore what is denied
to read is to fight

Archangel John

Coltrane blow your horn 
from scratchy subterranean vinyl
or high digital heaven
like an angel in the cloud
hear my prayer and download
like raindrops on roses
that supreme love
savior of my blue soul

Friday, September 2, 2022

A Dream Of Summer's End

the sun warm and low
through autumn-gilded leaves
orange light blue shadows

wooden wheels roll from grass
to rutted road

this train waits for no man 

wagons covered in cotton canvas
the bowl of grain is overturned 

from its place atop her head 
she tips the clay jar
water flows from thigh to knee
clearing away sand from feet

with the child
a swaddled pup
go now
continue to the horizon

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...