Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Deep End

i prefer the chlorine clean
silence of the swimming pool bottom
that benthic burrow from
the surface slurry of polluted social soup

i dive down deep
to drown out the hollow sounds
and dream 
dazzled by the refracted
diamond lines of light

Monday, May 30, 2022

Cave II

the sunlight turns red 
    on the bedroom wall

a cool evening breeze 
    arrives at last

blue shadow curtains blur 
    and shift the glow

i cannot turn my head 
    to see the truth

the fever breaks 
    exhaustion claims my eyes

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Anxiety Spiral

on days like this
give me

a dark closet 
with doors i can lock
from the inside

seventy-two hours
of silent reflection
a thick pad of paper
a pen

a gallon of cold water
from the stream
below the house
where i raised

then a push
back into the world
for fear
i would stay

Saturday, May 28, 2022

We Control Our Fictions

the world is enough and life suffices
without involving spirit in the mix
religious worship and other vices 
are prone alone behind their stones and sticks

and politics the concept of the state
the borders on maps defining nations
reasons for wars these things that have no weight
a slate of confining fabrications

these fictions grip our consciousness so tight
foreclosing thoughts of other ways to be
being that our being is so light

it’s strange we have to fight just to be free
freedom a fundamental human right
since laws and rights come from humanity

Friday, May 27, 2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022

A Political Wind

the wind makes its voice from 
loose paper and flags
awnings and plastic bags

it says nothing 
it has no mind
there is nothing to say
the throats it commands
and tongues it takes
only get in the way
of our understanding

like now 
there is no flapping or rustling 
can you hear its message
just shut up and listen

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Small Change

cold green rocks 
beneath the stream’s eddy
flaming red petaled flower spinning
round the swirling surface
only a breath or a breeze is needed
to set it free

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Uvalde, Texas

 I have no poetry in me today. Not after what happened to those children in Texas.

I will resume the poem-a-day project tomorrow. Tonight, hug the ones you love. Tell them you love them and how much they mean to you. I'll do the same.

Be good to each other.

Monday, May 23, 2022


from convictions' fire
my words rise like fine paper ash
fragile orange-fringed airborne
when touched burn
only a moment

but the smoke smell on your skin
the tenebrous smudge

Sunday, May 22, 2022


they tell me i was born from the ashes in the valley of Hinnom
from the flames in the stomach of the idol of Moloch
there they found me screaming at the sky
sinewy umbilical still waving in the wind

i have dreams of things i should not know
orange flames and oily smoke screams of children 
and the smell of cooking meat

frightened they have tried to burn me with their furious focus
but by birthright i am immune to fire

last night another cow was born with extra limbs
flowers grow here with heads conjoined
so they are bearing me back to the alter of my birth

before the dagger wielding priest
a woman from the edge of the village comes to me weeping
she kisses my forehead and smooths my hair

they ask for last words so i say
i only hope this helps

Saturday, May 21, 2022


can i unmake this past in my mind
reset it on the path of least anguish
pick up where we left off
those years ago

refuse to let you take our child 
to that place where you neglect him
and then double barrel off into oblivion

on the thin skin of this reality 
from dreams shattered
a body shape of pain 
still pressing on the spattered screen

and from the other side outlined
deforming the mornings 
compressing all anxiety into 
one fine point in memory

even so
allow me to know now there is an exit 
to the outside of outside
though i haven’t yet found the door

you are not there

i hate your ghost 
it is no longer welcome 
in my still beating heart

Friday, May 20, 2022

Astronomical Authenticity

your truths like a sun
off-center within you
whether aphelion or perihelion
or at equinoxes
relax into the transit
turn with the turning
change and be not ashamed
the moon has many reflective faces
unmoor your guise and shine

Thursday, May 19, 2022


globules of water roll
beneath the peonies pink petals
and along the lines the veins of green leaves
that bears the weight the strain
within and without and down
splash in the shape of a crown on the earth
that remains the root of all life 
flesh attaining
the sip of sparkling soul

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Wasteland Love Song

walking menagerie of values 
with fortitude waning 
but press on into the animal light 
crass puritanical madman

pour over pour out history’s pages
learned fortune tellers smelling copper throwing
bloody stones from the soul crumpled papers
lies like leaves that fall from your autumn minds
the wind carries far and finite

as the idiot said
there will be time

chained to and fond of fences
trained dogs lapping up mother’s milk
dressed in silk a pig is still drawn to filth
and vomits in the slop its cohorts devour

wet crunching hour 
by wretched fearful iron hour rust
watching us wasting away to handfuls of dust

but needs must

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Outside of a Therapy Clinic In Babylon

waiting melancholic in a parking lot
lost in thought and wondering when 
my capacity for fascination lapsed

zoned out staring out the window
turn with growing awareness then
struck dumb with wonder when

the evening-honeyed sunlight runs 
so sweetly through the thicket trees
dripping down the breeze shifting leaves
that shine like glass and molten gold

i finally breathe and see
holy moments such as these 
make memories like batteries
sustaining a once waning sense 
of reverence

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Impure Work

only in ignorance does emotion appear pure
now the tones and colors of each moment 
run mixing into all others

the sad tension of anxious work
pervades the moment of quiet calm
the tense anger of acid remarks
mars with restraint the joyous reunion
the swelling of my heart at my child’s embrace
confined in a tightening chest of debts

compartmentalization no longer meets success
the contortions required 
bend these bones to points of breaking
shoulders elbows knees out of joints
mind shattered into shards so small
reassembly seems impossible

through the fractures bleeding hues endure
strokes of moods and sensations commingling 
each layered feeling impure complex

all set firmly askew in an age sturdied frame
beneath semiprecious organic crystalline glass 
cut in many-colored facets

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Lake Road

that first weekend warmth of spring
we roll the windows down and ride awash in sun
the rollercoaster rise-and-fall of the lake road

the smell of eutrophic water and wildflowers
the hum of insects enriching the humid air
Vivaldi’s Spring near full volume washes over

and past the old cemetery 
where the stones fallen or faded or hidden in leaves
make shadows on shallow depressions

gone soon in a blur as we descend 
down into the noon lit valley

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Sanctum Divisibile

to be individual makes us a prison and a lie
to never again divide is a crime against the mind
fracturing is how we become whole
a jangling form of fragments kaleidoscopic
and oh what pretty patterns
we broken beings weave

Friday, May 13, 2022

The End of History II

clear no land only
take shelter under leaning branches
from the cold seek the warmth of the porous earth
use and preserve the embers of your horn

eat of the plants and fungi
and if you must the animals that will submit
wear their skins and bones to honor them

stay away from the ruins of your ancestors’ hands
envy not the towers of skeletal steel that remain
stay out of the star scorched cities
where even now ash rains down on sightless eyes

teach the young to recognize signs and signifiers
show them the understanding of past ages
for even the terror of the past is worth knowing

teach them that questions are conduits
be open to their asking
be humble and honest in your ignorance
and seek to know

remember this now will wither and pass
see the sun setting on the glut of the old ways
light your fire for warmth and to cook yes
but also as a beacon for tomorrow

Thursday, May 12, 2022


needing to alter anxious thinking
i don’t bring my cagey singing to an altar
a therapist is not a priest at office hours for a session
but barfing up my baggage feels a fuckload like confession
what a profession 
i confess i’m not averse to feeling envy
but this human across the room must have a finite well of sympathy
while i mine it and whine that i’ve lost a sense of hope
she nods along then summarizes and asks me how I cope
i draw i paint i write shit no one reads like poetry
she asks if i’m concerned about my legacy
i say honestly that doesn’t mean that much to me
and wonder if that’s a lie
i have no control over the stories people tell after i die
mostly i don’t want to live a life that’s mirthless
and it would help if i didn’t feel so worthless
possessed by fear and grief my self-doubt’s a fucking beast
on second thought and second second thoughts 
maybe i do need a priest

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


left behind on the bathroom sink 
three hair bands wrapped around the handle
strands still twined in the bristles
of the same kind lingering 
on my pillow from last night
and the smell is soft and sweet and bright
strange mementos these leavings
pieces of a lover shed
haunt my bed
this brush
my head

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Living In The Wars

i’m sorry i didn’t hear your part of our negotiation
country music breached the dining area
the accompanying messages staged an invasion
a screen in every corner flashing unsteady action
just know we are here now living in the wars of distraction
and i see you there but just now recognition tolls
everything around me is a transaction
i’m too taxed to buy it and
i have nothing to sell
it’s true what they say war is hell

Monday, May 9, 2022


exhausting explosion compressed and sustained
all in the space of a skull that refuses to fracture
instead enduring the strain until 
resources spent
the husk façade remains only to contain
the single dense hopelessness light cannot escape

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Anxiety Cliff Notes

every time mind tumbling down to tomorrow
sifting the trembling talus in the shadow
the weeping wind in the valley
slope too steep then to ascend to the moment
all that’s left having fallen is to fall asleep

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Workaday Amber

everything shone gold 
as i accepted my fate
and time meant nothing
like tales of heaven safe
and nothing ever happens
frozen in that viscous flow
each day the same day
this is what we work for
the cautious stillness until
in a magnifying yellow glaze
all the air is gone

Friday, May 6, 2022


within the ring defined by looking in
the colored lens of expectations lent
it’s tint to sand and man and lion tamed
the crowd around the ring the circle tent
the sprawling of the city’s jagged swell
the swirling winds of words that wind the spell
a picture of the world a homely rock
the solar system’s drawn concentric clock
inside the universe outside our ken
the human freedom from the minds of men

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Late Night Hours

i take succor in late night hours
quiet only broken in
random rumbles from a passing engine
finally there is time to ease into 
a self unbidden 
aware and unhidden 
unhindered unconcerned with every floorboard creak
no need to be mild or meek or held to any role’s course
no one’s gaze to lock me into place
or pressure to keep an inscrutable cookie cutter face
no i simply sip and slip among motes
avoiding looking at the clock and all that it denotes
until my eyes no longer light 
trip and trick me into yawning
consciousness dies and then is reborn 
awaken impaled 
upon a golden shaft of morning

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A Skeptic From Gilgamesh

Utnapishtim was sinking all soporific 
when Ea came calling 
her voice washing wisdom like waves into his dreams
Enlil will drown the earth, she says
build a big boat, she says

even then i kenned that stories tack
soft as straw but enough to break a born-again back

so everybody drowns but moldy oldy and his family
some seeds and some animals including three birds
when the rain starts they’re on the Euphrates
pouring from the sky like a fountain
ship sails around gets stuck on a mountain

so for six days and nights a mind blown Christian kid
starts questioning every religious thing his mom said and did

in the Bible humans sin so Yahweh-zilla destroys
in the epic gods are sleepless cuz we’re making too much noise
either way humans stuck with a bullshit rap
can’t have fun or angry god can’t nap

twenty faithless years later i read
melt water on a breaking glacier fed
tons of fresh water into the sea
and sea level rose suddenly
about 11000 BCE

Monday, May 2, 2022


they kept to banter
that is all they felt
they could do because
to push it any
further might reveal 
the dark secret self 
no one possibly 
could share in common

Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Glamor

the spellbinding spectacle
celebrity circus war all
ring around the ashes
the fabricated frameworks
attuning our attention
pockets full of ashes
crisscross applesauce
culturing the posies 
incarcerate the rosies
pokey chokey roundhouse
we all fall down

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...