Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Complete Inktober 2023 Sketchbook Pages

I completed Inktober 2023. I definitely didn't draw every day in the last week, and had to play a little catch-up, and I didn't post every drawing. You can find some on my Instagram @BacchusBlam.

Here are the prompts:

Some of these stayed in the idea-doodle phase, but I'm counting everything you see here as "Inktober-complete".  And now here they are: the good, the bad, the ugly, the brainstorms, and the underdeveloped doodles. I've included some detail pictures of a couple I haven't posted elsewhere, but also the full pages. 

You can click on the images to get a closer look without overlapping text elements. Enjoy.

"Celestial" (above) is based on an old sketch from a previous sketchbook that I redid for this challenge.


golden resinous autumn light
fills children’s candy pails
with sweet sad nostalgia
to rest in a chest until grown

Monday, October 30, 2023

Quantum Meridian

mood mournful as that waxing crescent moon 
on a hazy birthday night in July
bare minded blindsided by the news
did you hear old Cormac died
a little more than a month shy of ninety
out alone i hope without hope 
for some dimension
where his soul alive still resides
spooky distant double still fighting
writing himself back to life

Sunday, October 29, 2023

"Who Says That?": Some Thoughts On Sharing Thoughts

No poem tonight. But I do have some things on shared language and meaning I wanted to get down.

I worked and taught on a four-year state college campus from 2008 to 2014. Sometimes, while hanging out with peers and coworkers, whenever I would volunteer a real and thoughtful take on something in response to a question or as part of a conversation, I got used to hearing the response, “Who says that?” or “Who talks like that?”.

Often, I would respond, “Me. I do. I just said what I said”.

I felt like I wasn’t being understood which made me question my identity, and my mental capacity on more than one occasion. Eventually, I decided it was best to give short inconsequential answers, or to just listen to the conversation without participating. I started to feel bored and boring. And I was.

I did eventually make friends with people who genuinely wanted to talk and share ideas. But still that response haunts me: “Who says that?”.

There’s no faster way to shut down a connection with people than by gatekeeping against the very language they use in conversation. I strive to be generous and authentic in my interactions with people because … well … life is short, and I would rather make a meaningful connection with someone, and be present in the moment than only swap quotes, gossip, and entertainment news (not that those don’t also have their place).

And of course, there’s nowhere in the world where authentic communication is less welcome than the workplace. This adds a special extra layer of hell for me every day. My desire not to engage in small talk strikes some people I work with as rude, others as arrogant, and others still as unprofessional. I don’t consider myself any of those things, and I can’t control the way others judge me, so I just carry on with my day hoping that it passes by faster than not.

In order to adapt to these COVID-influenced times, I’m sure I have become more introverted than I was. After all this, I certainly started to think of myself as an introvert. However, I no longer believe that’s true. The role has been placed on me, but it’s not how I would have it. 

I still dream sometimes of a successful life as an author and an artist that would allow me to throw lavish holiday parties for all of my friends and acquaintances, with food, drinks, music, dancing, games, conversation, and plenty of rooms for people to crash overnight.

I recognize that culture probably isn’t going to change, but I encourage all of you reading this to allow yourselves to be vulnerable and share thoughts and ideas that extend beyond whatever viral topic has seized the moment. Be present where you are, with those you are with, and remember that our experience is unique even while we share the language we use to create and represent it for others.

Above all, that’s what I mean when I say: 
Be good to each other.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

From This Remove

From this remove the calm
she sought seems more like death;
the cool retreat a lure
into security;
a trap for those who plan
to change the world and then
retire, rather than
to marry down and sink
into obscurity.

Friday, October 27, 2023


a miscut puzzle piece with place might still
be forced to fit in fear against its will
and trembling there in tension hold that place
disfigured frenzied strain upon its face

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Courage In The Second Act

if fortune favors brave ones
i was brined lily-liver no onions
could hardly stand to raise my voice
humor canned with a flavor so bland
in truth in youth given no choice

now middle-aged and how cagey
no longer the bold man’s foil
but bald man toiling and mortally coiled
no longer scraping for stage lights
off stage left gone pear-shaped

more stubborn than i was 
at times i itch to fight
when i know what’s right and what’s rich
when to flex or be flexible
to pretend to flinch or ditch

how fearless i feel now thumbing my nose
snuffing the day facing oncoming night
tell me no heaven nor hell and just nothing well
that’s alright
everything’s alright

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Little Abstract Rhythm Exercise

bad as a mad hatter 
boring hater hive mind
that hungry fish can easily eat a man alive
in five seconds flat
the aliens arrive holding hands 
leading humans in excited bands 
to the promised land of Hanuman
xenophobic rat catchers clatter rackets 
scared back at the blast zone
fast as a cast on a dry bone
cyclones clone that bloated span
Frederick Arthur Bridgman runs the rest
crack-crack two in the vest
lay down now
take a rest

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Deep Field

after years lenses
cut polished and set
grant the perception
out away clearly
uncountable swirling
motes shining
in ancient starlight
so much of that dust
that still forms my skin

Monday, October 23, 2023

Children Make The Bravest Songs

children make the bravest songs
words and ideas full of eclectic grit
bordering on vision
whole vocabularies of belonging
modeling minds and hearts
like promises at the crossroads
where we must turn

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Little Piece of Heaven

alien twilight estranges me
around every corner a shadow lurks
every night is a knife
mornings a red weeping wound

sleep in its closeness to death
should be no balm
but that passage to the lands of dream
is enough of heaven for rest

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Any Other Night

i want to hurl my laptop like a shuriken
        stick it smoking in the wall
slam my fist onto the table ‘til it cracks
pour kerosene on all my sketchbooks
        light a match and watch them go
        also throw my paintings on that pyre

all the time invested money spent
what a waste in the face 
of this temporary tension
what a shame to have frittered
that unrequited time
fantasies misplaced

someone else’s dreams no doubt
that made their way to me
delusions of a life
it seems clear can never be
just fill my fucking casket 
with paint i didn’t use
        the books i'll never fill
the words i didn’t write

Of MIce and Mania

the drumming in my chest beat on at an illicit pace
from folly fled i wait awhile my head among the stars
the urgency of solitude writ on the mountain’s face
and light creates a tiny vault where field mice nest in yarns

unsold at June bouquets overly wilted still new
we ate nuked beignet and danced the crumbling crescent blue
and rested in the doorway while soul flowers reimbue
our champagne skin with rouge and lift our luminescent plumes

our movements less than glamorous still self-assured then came
surly as sick infants aching morning fate at home
some foul perfume clung to our clothing cloying nicotine
i’d sooner dance the nude down main than smell that nectarine

lone peace will truss us in a trice soon life is marmalade
our nature leaves us at excesses’ mercy unafraid

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The House On The Hill

from the silent rooms only
    dust and a generation 
    of stale cigarette smoke
cobwebs in corners
a cold woodstove
yellow residue on walls
stained curtains
in the bathroom 
    a glass holding dentures 
a broken coffee cup in the kitchen sink

the grass now too high
the gardens overgrown
the trees along the driveway
    recovering nicely in the melt water
    without the winter influx
    of road salt

a house built
land sculpted and tended
the realization of a dream
    ashes in their mouths

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Skipping a Night

Howdy y’all.

I’m still not feeling a hundred percent, so I am skipping a formal post for tonight. 

It would mean the world to me if you would peruse my previous posts. They go back over two years. And why not leave some comments on a few you like?

Otherwise, have a good night.

Be good to each other.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Being Human

desire for certainty 
may or may not be balanced
with an unwavering suspicion
for alleged absolutes
i feel like these are fine features
to hold in tension with intent
to undermine the lies
we most want to believe
confusing though it may be
to be a human being

Monday, October 16, 2023

Ten Minute Free Write (Slightly Edited)

We aren’t afraid that the wind will carry us away. We are afraid of you and who you could become if you only gave a single shit. Every word you write brings you closer. Every picture you draw or paint, one step closer. 

Ride on the wave of creative parlance. Make the joke heard wherever you go. Someone will laugh. Someone will feel a little lighter even in the heaviest times. 

You are your mind and your body. There is no escaping this container until you breath your last. Rockets could blast you to the moon and in its weakened gravity you would still feel unfit so make the most of the time you have left. Do you not wish to experience joy again? 

You do! You long for joy as you never have before. You’re not chasing it because you feel you can’t, but reflecting on past joy is not sufficient in the long run to sustain you. Make the art your life. Give yourself wholly over to creativity and destroy all within you that restrains that flow. You can be free and embrace yourself wholly. o you know this? You are free to fully be yourself and you never need be embarrassed or ashamed.

The world will accept you for who you are. Let the judges judge. It is there way. The judgment is merely an expression of what they themselves cannot allow, but they have no power over you. They have no power over your life and that which you love cannot be taken from you.

The hope you had as a child manifested in all you have received. All those things you thought yourself capable of, you are now capable of. Allow yourself the freedom to express every thought and every emotion through your art. Allow yourself to love unconditionally. Beat back the frustration that manifests itself from a desire to control. There is nothing to control but yourself. 

Direct those energies instead into creation. Invest the energy of anger into your greatest works. 

Throwing things, smashing things, shouting through gritted teeth – all this will get you nowhere. Have compassion and listen. Be the person you know you can be. Be who you would prefer to be and reject all other ways that came before you. 

All lies before you.

Sunday, October 15, 2023


I was with friends and my kids were there
and we were dancing and  laughing and listening
to this beautiful joyful music.
Man, I mean truly happy.
Do you remember what that’s like?
You said,
        Some people haven’t forgotten

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Every day I want you gone more.
Detritus clouding the very air I choke upon.
Leaving me shaking without respite
    from my evening release to Monday morning.
You tyrannical despot, I can’t 
    keep carrying your empty weight
    without breaking down in decay.
I’m meant to be free these days 
    not harangued in your hazy admonishments.
How do you cling so when I fight
    from just after waking ‘til long in the night?
Go! I beg for reprieve.
I’ll open a window.
    Will you fucking leave, please?
No. I’m saturated to bone with you.
Longing for distraction, reaching for my phone,
    drawing, painting, writing this poem.

There. For a moment, 
    we’re square.

Friday, October 13, 2023


old operating system overtaxed
attempting to run new software
perpetual updates
overheating burning out
in hardware mostly unchanged
for a hundred thousand years

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Forms of War

the wide dusted world
abandoned and lurching
him mellow and pouring 
there unseen in shadows
retrofitting schools to serve war

yes war that hungry creature who
rolled crushing in a steel helmet
olive trench coat open and nude
while planes knocked churches 
ass over tea kettle whistling
and in horror we leer

but the smoke clears etcetera
the dust settles and so forth

we winners made wealthy
wage obscured wars
curated and fenced the remaining wonders
then pay to take pictures 
holding horns of stultifying drink
memories fading in the dusk

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Autumn Question

the autumn sun was gleaming
on the red and rusting leaves
but someone took the wonder from my eyes

autumn blew a cooling breeze
while the sun was warm and sweet
but my skin was numb to all qualities of air

world weary wandering frail and worn
once sparkling senses now used and dull
Shakespeare’s prince echoes the only question

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Winds to womb to light,
then, to sturdy form.
Same for spore and seed;
fungus and tree;
you and me.

Monday, October 9, 2023

For My Sister

looking back to when i was small
praying and laying alone at night
in the bedroom at the end of the hall
afraid of the dark watching the stereo light
throw glow down on the living room floor
missing my sister who slept there sometimes
though not for a long time 
not anymore

Sunday, October 8, 2023


men’s pangs dance them into poaching curses
my pale guide you see this evening isn’t ideal
alas just float still and perfect reflect and feel its tone
witness love’s splendid seemingly joyous revelries

unique as the moon the cool lot await some large truth
but only penitence for posturing forms a bridge to grander hours
only wait to open the gate or find yourself in a mess of toil

or as bored children remain in the house doused in somber fantasies
gaze in malaise out the window at autumn’s spreading blemishes 
converse with liars and tired hypocrites in plastic

all the while my blessed soul impiously 
presses itself ever closer to the core of the moon

Saturday, October 7, 2023

On Not Posting For Inktober and “Social” Media

So the last two nights I have drawn something for Inktober based on the prompts, but opted not to post the drawings to social media. I want to make sure I draw something every day, but I am not pressuring myself to post if I don’t think what I produce measures up.

For the prompt “Map”, my initial idea was to create one floor of a D&D dungeon and then include some lore about it so people could use it as a one-shot, or a filler area in a campaign. But then I decided to get fancy. I wanted to draw a scene from the movie Goonies where the four boys are together looking at the map. I tried to do a quick and precise drawing, but by the end it was just a mess. Good practice, but not worthy of posting.

For “Golden” I did a quick doodle of a frog coming through the surface of some water holding up a golden ball like in the children’s story about the princess and the frog. But it was more like a practice drawing I would do before spending hours on a finished piece, and I just don’t have that kind of time.

Today’s prompt is “Drip”, and again, tonight before bed, I’ll sit down with my sketchbook and do some drawings in my sketchbook of a faucet with a drop of water falling from it, but more as an exercise in making the background fall away while making the faucet and the water in the foreground look very in focus.

Lately, with the idiotic shenanigans happening with Twitter, the many Twitter-like services that have spawned, the garbage fire of Facebook, and the almost total lack of engagement on Instagram, I’m coming back around to feeling like social media is an illusion of connectivity I can do without most of the time. I’ll post when I post and that’s it. I don’t think I need to try any harder than that.

I hope you’re all having a restful weekend with friends and family, or by yourself if you need the solitude to recharge.

Be good to each other.

Friday, October 6, 2023

What Lies Before You

before you there was only the vague shape
your mother contained the shape of you
manifesting first as a mellow roundness
and then as a conspicuous protuberance
and in time emerging you took your true form
sliding into the air like a glove
that received you and lovingly wrapped you
composed of others’ desires and expectations
with who you would become before you

Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Last Tryst

i overcame my childhood fears of night
after midnight out my window softly
ran rutted roads through forests fields and dark
eight miles to the farmhouse where you waited
in stillness with such anticipation
and led me by your sleeping parents’ room
to your bed that smelled of rose and lilac
faint the hinges’ creak as you closed your door
your feet made no sound across the old floor
nimbly your fingers my buttons your gown
your mouth on my neck your hand on my chest
pushed me back into bliss and down in down

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Don't Look Back

impulses overwhelmed 
with fears in your way
don’t try
to make the past complete
find your focus
setting expectations correctly
and telegraph in play
with a visceral grip of pens
write your fate but know
the headman’s axe
finishes the sentence

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Continual Story of Civilization

turning the truth over on your tongue
see now a camel caravan of magicians
attesting to the desert in front of you
containing the ruins of great cities
beneath the ashes of millionaires

Monday, October 2, 2023

In The Balance

someone said yes there’s war
and in other places peace
but when you zoom out you see
both are needed for harmony

how does the man
holding his bloody son’s corpse
zoom out
when do the orphans
of territorial conflict
get to take a wider view

when places are made possessions
their substance resources
to put up for profit
there is no harmonious whole

there are murderers
suffering people
and those sheltered enough
to ignore 
how their shelter 
was made

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Pause For Refreshment

Hi all. 

No poem tonight. I'm taking the night to refill my creative tank. I spent the last couple days working on plans for Inktober (which hopefully I will complete this year) and I just found out about a month-long zine challenge that I might try (even though I've technically missed the first day). Prompts and info for that can be found here:

Here's my drawing for the first day of Inktober. I used Tombow brush pens, Faber-Castell India ink brush markers, and Pigma Micron Fineliner pens. The prompt was "Dream".

Be good to each other.

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...