Monday, October 31, 2022


confusion holds sway most days
i try deploying language in a neutral way
but every time i speak it feels like a lie at best
manipulation at its worst

it’s a trap of course
so i spring it

i exile myself safer alone
by burdensome guilt my children 
call me back into the open

suffering public scrutiny 
in poor

Sunday, October 30, 2022


muddled policies continue
impose a cap while
gushing in the gulf
growth after a contradiction
blooming oil rose 
the dying the dying
our futures touched
slumped confidence
settled lower
but overall still building
investors’ appetite 
for risk

Some Thoughts On A Random Thing: Lo-fi Music On YouTube

I’m really not sure who needs to hear this, but lo-fi (short for low fidelity, but also referred to as DIY) music is good. There are all different kinds and if you search YouTube, you’re bound to find a playlist an hour long or more with plenty to listen to while you hobby (yes, I’m using it as a verb), study, or work.

Lo-fi is not a genre of music so much as a style of music production in which background noises, filtered out of most professionally produced music, is left in. Detuned instruments, misplayed notes, distortion, ambient or random noise from equipment, and other sounds or voices all add to the prized characteristics of lo-fi music. Sounds or distortion might also be recorded separately and added later during production at key moments in songs to lend characteristics of lo-fi. Postmodernism can be fun.

Because the origins of lo-fi music can be traced back to the 1950’s (due more to recording technology deficits than stylistic choices), there are many genres of lo-fi music. There are a lot of bands that play can be considered lo-fi pop, rock, psychedelic, and hip-hop, but much of what you find on YouTube these days is purely electronic or instrumental known as ambient, chill-out, chillwave, hypnagogic pop, and lo-fi hip-hop.

I’m listing some of my personal favs from YouTube below. Enjoy.

Dark Ambient "Post Apocalyptic" -

Vaporwave/Hypnagogic Drift -

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Wail, Wail, Love Is Not Enough

how many times 
even only in recorded history
have people made some amazing 
transformative alternative 
to stodgy normal behavioral patterning
stamped out by those with power 
and vested interests

how many times 
has the forward social advancement 
of general human interest been walked back 
by wealthy plutocrats who can’t bear change 
for the sake of the width of their wallets
or growth of those familiar things 
leading to gain of the few 
with disregard of the many

how many times 
must we engage in the fight 
to control our own will
formulate our own choices 
dissolve those things we recognize as harmful 
without wealth standing in the way

it’s tempting 
to want to burn everything to the ground 
it’s easy 
to be angry 
or fall asleep leaving the mess 
for others to clean 
the war 
for others to fight 
in the familiar streets

but we’ve seen it done 
we know it works when communities of people 
join together under a single banner
speak out against the failings of our parents
we know
property is less important than people
wealth is less important than wellbeing

let’s fight with our voices 
like an ocean do not divide
their ships are sleek and fast
and cut the waves
but the water is wide

Friday, October 28, 2022

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Halloween Trees

that hole in the tree 
mouth in silent moan
gnarls and knobs knots and burls 
scars of scourge pests fungus fires

defensive wood grows twisted thick
template for Halloween boughs
possessed haunted reaching
struggling to contain ghosts

and if its core becomes callus
at the end of its days
when the tree fails falls decays
for a grave marker it leaves its heart

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Archaeology For Change

peering in dark corners
for misplaced and forgotten bits
rejected words phrases ideas
no longer in this lexicon
tough and whole not yet rotten
shed like a vibrant squamous skin
with burning desire to crawl back in
to strip a scale and strike a spark
something to ignite an assured
catalyzing vociferous fire

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


from within the mist
i witnessed its swirling shifts
could extrapolate the greater shape
above the printless leaf strewn loam
and understood how hopeless
it can feel to try your hand 
at finding home

Monday, October 24, 2022

Static Conversion

i sense the chemical change
rushing consuming
surging over thresholds against

people thrusting demands 
tired expectations 
maintain the security of anxious routine 
reinforced by necessity 

now too exhausted 
for the work of social engagements 
i open the window

is it impossible to evaporate 
into the air

returning to this cajoling lover
brings my heart to brimming
art’s beauty fills me with aching longing 

then shies away 
there just across the room 
in a doorway gazing rapt
at one who sings

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Spring-Heeled Hack

springing word to word
cloven prints in snow
a shadow skirting through fog
scratching darkly screens
quickly now
marks keys make round locks
before knock-knock-knocking
looking over one shaking shoulder
attempting unlocking a door

My Dad, November 2010

soft November light a gauzy shroud
in the afternoon sun’s logy amber gaze
fallen leaves flare up like hazy fire
and die in long listless shadows

in gutters cold water only trickles
clogged by clots of rust-colored leaves
the outer door clatters erratic in chill wind

inside dad 
winces and lifts his shirt to show
an angry red scar down the middle of his ribs
brittle nicotine-tinged fingers shake
when his hands cradle his head

yellowed eyes float in brimming red sockets
he says “The dry heat.” hand motions “Wood stove.”
he shouldn’t lift the fuel but rises
and insists he will tend the fire

Saturday, October 22, 2022


the retreat into art 
begins with reclaimed time
protected from outside externalities 
then the first pen stroke the next 
shining down on paper paints
the morning sun through leaves dappled
on blades of breeze blown green grass
or half shifting tree shadow half brilliant full
on the sparkling stone walk behind
a gleaming whitewashed fence

Friday, October 21, 2022

Night Terror

red fingers bleeding
smeared like paint on 
zipper teeth 
interlocking in crinkling plastic
the scream that will not come
the breath that will not enter
a low laugh
from the dark doorway
as the tall thin man empty
sockets beneath the black hat
thin lips wet wide grinning 
takes the first step

Thursday, October 20, 2022


the greatest concentration 
suggesting a split
distasteful toxic exceptions
who composing the order
generally survive living underground
with rasping omnivorous mouths
dappled allegiances shifting in
hungry spaces beneath the skin

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Where Words Fail

routinely rhythm in wording
somewhat bewilders vocalization
untwisting a sucking tongue
succumbing to melody
musical form becomes casual 
replacement language

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

My Religion

biblical men made commandments
so what could a burning bush say
not already said
combustion consumes fuel
blows fumes like an old fool
radiating rippling air 
the voice of an angel
who in the end goes silent and cold

short-sighted secular men force progress
a cynical disconnect 
from the season cycle and its allegorical play
summer flame fades through autumn damp
dies in winter’s icy darkness
spring is not resurrection 
but veneration of children youth 
so many generations out of the earth

Moses and Joshua if they ever lived are dead
there is no phoenix rising
no commanding shrub unburned aflame
nor even any ashes

only a story a verse
to serve as the immortal soul
and this moment’s focus

so everybody talk and sing
dance and laugh revel in your body
make a living noise
leave a resonance in the ears of your love
long after
swim the atmosphere as well as
the waves and swells of the sea
experience the chemical change 
of sensuous life make of awareness 
a sustaining fire

i doubt every hour of every day
but still in this spirit i pray

Monday, October 17, 2022


the grey sky falling
against and down the mountain range
rows of umbrellas

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Haunted By The Lost New

two thousand years’ worship
decided by committee cuts
of that warring imperial Latin
from those imperfect Greek translations
from Hebrew from Aramaic
languages birthed by the multiple 
unfathomably ancient constraints ages gone
traced by those threads reversed
might we not re-envision the past
become linguistic archeologists 
philological explorers
of the fractured origins 
of this burdensome present
might then the future 
take on the shape of the new

Desert Ghosts

  He paid no mind to the noise he made coming through the scrub. The flickering light of a distant fire drew him on. He could see it well in the gloaming. He knew where there was fire, there were people. Where there were people there was water, and sometimes food. Even if he had to take it from them. Even if they were the food. He had not resorted to such measures yet, but he knew in his guts he was not above it.

He drew closer and saw an old native woman with a deeply lined face. She sat on a toppled Joshua tree. Its roots fanned in the air, silhouetted against the dimming sky like a half dozen crooked arms reaching hungrily out of the pebbled sand. She wore cracked spectacles of the like he had not seen on a human face since childhood. The fire reflected in the lenses’ fractured facets made it look like her eyes glowed. This spooked him, and some of the absolute desperation went out of his hunger

        He stopped just outside of the seizing orange circle of light and considered her.

        When she turned to him, the flames reflected on her eyes turned to water and age. There was no fear in her look. She merely took stock of him. He licked his lips and looked at the plate in her lap with the remnants of food clinging to it. 

She stood, waved him over, and ladled some chunky, wet slop out of a steaming cast iron pot close to the fire. The smell that came to him was rich, salty, and familiar, though he could not put name to it. His stomach growled so loudly it startled him into movement. He gave a last look around at the desolate land and the growing darkness, and walked to the fallen tree to sit.

The old woman handed him a small plastic cup with warm, but clear water, and the plate. There was a chunk of hard, dry bread on the side. He grabbed the items unceremoniously, emptied the cup in one swallow, and used the bread to shovel the meat, starchy vegetables, and gravy into his maw. It was so hot it burned going down, and the crust of the bread scraped at the roof of his mouth. But it was so good he moaned as he ate.

He licked the plate clean minutes later, and held it out to her.

“More,” he said.

Wordlessly, she took the plate, ladled on more – Stew, he thought. It’s called stew. – and produced another chunk of the bread from her bag. She took the cup to a rusted metal bucket behind a jagged root, and filled it. She put it on the log next to him.

He ate and drank. She sat in the dry grass on the other side of the fire. The flickering light shone again on the lenses of her broken glasses. She watched him, and after a few momenta, she spoke. Her voice was dry as the land, and cracked as her spectacles.

“Not long ago, I had a mule. It was not much of an animal. It got me from town to town. But this land takes its toll, and in ten miles there is only little water for two. Traverse that ten enough times and soon we all end up in the stew pot.” She cackled softly at that and fell quiet.

“There were three wells between here and yonder hill when I was a girl. But the sky drank those, and if it gave them back, it gave them somewhere else. My papa told me his grandparents were so thirsty, their ghosts were still drinking the land dry. I used to think he was telling tales, and later that he was making metaphors. You know what a metaphor is, mister?”

He shrugged his shoulders and put the last bite in his mouth, smacking his lips.

“Metaphor is just a different way of saying the same thing. When I understood that, I knew he was right. They’re still drinking the water from the ground. From the air. Right out of our lungs.”

It felt like spiders on the back his neck. He rubbed there and tossed the empty metal plate into the dust. He wiped his hands on his stained and dusty trouser legs, and leaned toward her with his hands on his knees. “Ma’am, I ain’t understood only about half a what you just said, but I know I don’t like it. I thank you for the meal and the rest by a fire, but I’d also thank you to shut up now.”

The woman just nodded and smiled bitterly. She stood, gathered the pot and plate, and walked around her tent, which was just two tattered, black and white striped blankets over a few broken branches.

When she returned, she tossed a few more scraps of dry wood on the fire. Her eyes followed the sparks up into the inky blackness between the stars.

He slid onto the ground with his back against the tree. His belly was full and his mind recovered from the seed of unease the woman’s words had planted there. His chin sank to his chest and he slept.

In the dream, he looked up at a circle of sky from down in a dry stone well. He moved to begin climbing, but his feet were cemented up to his ankles in dried mud. He sensed a shadow and looked back up to see that someone was sliding a slat-board cover over the well. He tried to call out, but could not. The darkness overtook him. Then he felt a cold, dry hand on his cheek.

He jerked awake in the darkness. The stars glared down. He was cold. The fire was now only embers. Already the dream was fading, but he rubbed his stubbled cheek and shivered.

The Joshua tree roots broke easily. He put three of the chunks of wood on the fire and tended it. When the fire caught, he sat back down, and listened to the soft snores of the old woman. Lulled, he was asleep again in moments.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


impossible goal totality
some see as our essence
toppled towed along in its wake 
sacrificing human experience
to communal a memory
we call history

Friday, October 14, 2022

The Fallen

place your wastrel hand in mine
last vestiges of night sublime
leave your shades and shame behind
and let’s go to the town

let the barman fill our cups
scoop the steaming stew to sup
until above the sun goes up
while we’re forever down

Thursday, October 13, 2022

City Living

sideways city same scape
citizens sliding smack
stockade siding sod-all slack

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Trust On Ice

tires crunched over ice
slowly on the snow-covered road
and stopped at the top of my driveway

the driver said
he would give his life for us

i shifted in my seat and said 
please don’t
a joke

he said i would trust either of you 
with my life
and we would trust you with ours 
said the passenger

but from the back seat 
i leaned forward my foot ready 
for my mouth and said
you’re my friends but
i don’t trust you
i don’t know that i trust anyone

inside the car was quiet
when i said goodnight
lit by the headlights
i trudged through the treacherous cold
slipping shamefully into to the dark house 
at the end

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


then that the honeyed autumn light
shone through the grass
was enough for me

Monday, October 10, 2022

Song Fire

sounding out into the dark
rolling back the damping gloom
that muffles dims stamps at the spark
whose song makes others bloom

winnow out those singing words
ringing chiming tolling true
resonating heart shaking
igniting the fire in you

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Waste

voluntarily devoured
toil in the belly of the beast
assist it in digestion
myself made partly feast
shat out the evening end 
every wasted day
and once a banquet week
collect my crumb of pay

A Whisper From The Darkness

    He came awake in a startled panic and saw the glowing green numbers of the digital clock change from three thirty-two to three thirty-three. It was far too early to be awake, but his heart was pounding. He wiped away the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand and took some deep breaths to regain his composure.

    The thought of the dream sent a chill shaking like iced lightning through his body.
    Had it been a dream? The rasping childlike voice in a whisper from the darkness. He could not remember what it said, but tried to rub away the tingle, as of lips brushing the fine hairs at the rim of his left ear. 

    Of course it was a dream. There was no one else here.

    He turned and scanned the darkness, trying to push down the lingering fear. Slowly, his sleep-blurred eyes cleared and adjusted.

    Nothing there but familiar shapes: the clothes hamper, his dresser, and the small bookshelf snugly fitted just under the curtained window.

    He realized he was holding his breath, and let it out in a rush, saying, “Oh, thank God.”

    Then he heard a high-pitched giggle.
    “God?” came a sardonic whisper. “No. No god.”

    Streamers of shadow curled like smoke from the darkest corners of his room and clotted together at the foot of his bed. He watched horrified as it congealed into thin legs, a torso with pronounced ribs jutting, hunched shoulders, an oblong head, and long arms angled with too many joints. It thickened, becoming ink black, and as it took on density, it obliterated what little light filtered through the curtains from the streetlights, and cast a long shadow that spilled and spread across the quilt toward him.

    He kicked his feet, and shrank back against the headboard as he felt the impossible coldness of that umbral touch.
    By the time his throat released the high, tea-kettle scream of his terror, the shadow was fully upon him. And it was laughing.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Creation Reflected

your eyes shine ancient stars of day 
first dawned when the dark fractured
after earth boiled out the rains
pools collected reflected the new sky
drips shone rainbows ripples in the aether
light became everything

Friday, October 7, 2022


remember as a child
wide wondering eyes extended
down the long street level parallels
no matter what direction you looked
to the vanishing point one line of vision

nothing more still holds true
like the ties on the door
suggesting you have grown
but with limited perspective as
you are still seated on the ground

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Serra Pelada

earth gives up its gold
a wound clawed by starving hands
a million souls worth

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Fall 1998

you touched my leg high thigh 
under the table all night
when you leaned in to whisper
you put your lips to my ear

with knowing eyes your friends 
left you to play with your food
but we stayed until closing time

leaning against my car 
under the cold September moon
with bare arms in gooseflesh you 
asked rhetorically so what happens now 

i opened my jacket to you
your whole body pressed to mine
enfolded and enfolding as though
i was never before kissed

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Flat Absence

that old streetlight shines through the blinds
painting flat wide white and shadow lines 
on bare black linens
was a time one might observe
a certain hips turned curvature
because that’s the side
on which she used to lie

Monday, October 3, 2022

Sunday, October 2, 2022


you are grandest magnificence to me 
small package of energetic beauty
days alight imagination fire bright
until i tuck you into bed at night

Saturday, October 1, 2022


consistency of childhood memories
barbed with adult complaints concerns
chewy with pulp escape and stage conduit
crunchy with forested days and city cycling nights
a lot of salt and savory little sweet
baked on high to harden worldview
that incalculable chemical change

now stale and hard and cracked
mixing together the next batch
with the thorns in the trash and an eye
toward the bag of sugar

Fierlok and Sand

Squatting on their haunches, the fierlok cupped their narrow hands and scooped up some of the white desert sand. They held it up to me and said, “Weekin maykmanee foci from thees.”

“How? It’s only sand,” I said, and looked around nervously, adjusting my goggles. We had not passed any villages between here and West Edge, but that did not mean there were no people. This desert could be owned.

They shot me a look as if to ask if I was daft, and then something happened I had only heard about in stories. 

The sand in their hands began to glow, orange at first, and then brilliant white. A wall of intense heat pushed at me and I closed my eyes and backed away. The acrid smell of something burning filled my nostrils. When the light faded a moment later, I opened my eyes to see the fierlok held a clear, almost perfectly spherical, glass focus wreathed in blue fire. The heat seemed not to phase them at all. They blew out the licking flames, then held it up and looked through it. Their black eye magnified and stretched across its surface. Then, they wrapped it in a scrap of cloth and put it in their satchel.

“Thees maybee thee layst of thee puursands. Wee shulled payk mutchin satchulls entaykbaak.”

I nodded, swung the first of four empty leather valises around to my stomach and spent the next five minutes scooping fistfuls of the white sand into it. When it was full, I reached for another only to find they were already full, and heavy. I had not accounted for the weight, and fell on my back 

The fierlok approached, smiling vaguely, and offered a thin, three-fingered hand. Around the fingers of the other, a thick band of white sand grains swirled forming the infinity symbol in the air.

The bond this people had with sand – with the earth – was strange to me, but I was beginning to understand it. Until the sun swallowed it, this world belonged to them and those that came after. Me and my kind were holdouts in the ruins; relics of an age long gone. Our knowledge of this was now passed from generation to generation, and those who refused the Oath of the Meek, or broke it, were culled. 

The Oath and the culling were why I was in this mess in the first place.

I stood with the fierlok’s assistance, and handed them one of the valises to carry. As they reached for it, the bottom split open and a harpoon struck the desert floor between us, spraying sand into the side of my face. 

The fierlok’s obsidian eyes traced the trajectory of the projectile with supernatural speed. They pointed to the ridge about fifty yards away.

There were ten outcasts. Like many I had seen, they wore scrap metal armor covered in jagged spikes, but the gold face masks, and scalp ornamentation were unique to this group. 

The outcast with the harpoon gun, was reloading.

The fierlok’s orange hair crackled with blue arcs of electricity as they channeled the elemental power they used. Sand swirled in rings around us, forming into a high spout. The hair on my arms stood up, and the metal bolt on the end of my crossbow shocked me as I unholstered the weapon from my back.

Afterward, we left by the old, cracked, sand-blown road on which we had entered, now weighed down by satchels of sand, and ten gold plates pressed into the shape of human faces, strung on leather cords through the eyeholes. We would wash the blood from them when we returned home.

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...