Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Days Dying

Now down to darkness declining and sleep,
the small death at the burnt end of each day.
Respite of wary, worried, and weary
minds beaten, broken by a care-worn world,
slumber, destroyer, creator of dreams,
afterlife of the living, yet to wake.
Don’t cheat me of time, of vitality.
One third of life unconscious? Enemy
mine, I will continue to fight and find
the way around the bleary-eyed waking
nettles of but a few hours respite.
I will scream and shout, raging against you,
and taking the consequences in stride.
Waking life persists when the day has died.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Holy Moment - Late Spring, 1996

pink rose silky sheen on open petals yellow center sun
shines from the morning clear late spring sky
movement in the air bright white with black lacing
flutter long-legged landing on the flower open wings butterfly

step away slowly heart swelling enamored reach for the camera
but none at hand panic frantic thinking high on the shelf 
plastic rectangle with the flip cover round lens and back
to the railing see a brief flash of wings sailing there by myself

one attempt to capture a flash of true beauty
a cloud covered the sun

Sunday, November 28, 2021

America, 1942 to Present

the beauty of twice as strong goliath 
clonal aspens of the south west between 
forces of energetic nursery 
rhymes and twin forest-lost fairytales the
American dream a hundred dollar 
Teutonic apple pie in the gold foil
sky highway tourist traps papier-mâché
dinosaurs dead plants oil wells forever
separation of church and state in God
we trounce all others for free markets there’s 
no such thing as a free lunch communist
social system privatize public space
fiscal conservative no irony
surveillance security is freedom

Month Three

This marks the end of my third full month (a little more than that actually) writing a poem a day to post on this blog. There are over a hundred poems and a few other things here, for a grand total of 119 posts (including this one). Today’s poem will go up later and bring the total to 120.

I’ve decided that after a while – maybe six months, or maybe after the year is up – I will go back through this blog and revise a handful of poems for publication elsewhere. Perhaps I’ll look toward creating a chapbook of 30 or 40 heavily revised poems. I’ll make the announcement here if and when I make the final decision.

Speaking of books, my novel is about half way done. NaNoWriMo is supposed to get you to 50,000 words, but I started late and never fully caught up. Instead, after missing a few days, and not getting up early enough to put in the hours on others, I am averaging about 700 words a day for November. It’s still my goal to finish the first rewrite and contact readers before or just after the start of the new year. 

I think about the novel every day. It’s incredible how much there still is to do. Of course, the biggest part of that project is just getting in a seat for more than five minutes and writing. I have a couple of outlines to build on, and from there I am just spraying words on page after page. I have to turn off my monkey mind and just let the words flow. I keep telling myself I only have permission to make edits during the first rewrite.

Anyway, readership of this blog has taken a massive hit in the last couple of weeks, but I am staying off social media for now. I hope those of you who check in from time to time are still finding poems you enjoy. I’m writing everyday regardless.

The project continues …

Be good to each other.

Saturday, November 27, 2021


plunging forward into 
soft warm wetness
pressing hips downward grinding 
everything inside wrapped around
head tilts back 
open wet mouth moans
all swollen pulsing spirits skyward
sliding palms and fingers down

easing back pushing up
rocking like sea-salted ships
hands descend to hips
pulling pushing breathing quickens
moans high and long
hands sliding down outer thigh
then up the inside 
fingertips in slow circles
arching back from mattress bucking
slipping out 
thrusting in

then breath catches
moaning flowing
wetness rushing down and dripping
warm quivering 
sighs covered kissing 
open moaning mouths
tongues slide together
tasting very breath

lost in pleasure sliding 
pouring out spasming jolting 
running fingers through hair 
hips take their last dance
smiling spit slickened satisfied 

Friday, November 26, 2021


kneeling next to the bed
psalms in the dark
prayers and supplications
to the child
to close his eyes 
and sleep

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

The hazy, clouded midafternoon light
shines through the condensation on windows.
The warmth of the oven, also keeping
cold, penetrating wind outside at bay.
The air rich and fragrant with roasting meat,
herbs, and vegetables, all lending their
moisture and flavor to the atmosphere.

We doze or sit and sip hot chocolate,
having nowhere to be but here and now.
The sound of you breathing slowly, softly,
as we read, and wait to gather around
the table soon set with its piquant bounty,
and meet each other’s eyes in gratitude.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

After School

He steps through the door after school
dark unruly hair tousled further by wind 
face expectant, dark eyes worried, 
mouth deciding whether or not it’s right to smile

A litany of undone chores crosses my mind
I’m about to ask about his day
and how much homework
ready to rattle off reminders

But I stop and watch him step 
lean and long-legged through the door
lugging the backpack weighted by books
the violin in its ebony case bouncing
black pants black coat black hoodie

His face so much like that of his mother
whose death still haunts us two years past

How can one dwell on the disrespect
of even the day before
in the face of his fascinating 
many-faceted mind sometimes so unfamiliar

How can I feel anything but wonder
and gratitude that he is in my life

I miss his childhood 
and find myself thinking
I should have fought harder to keep him close
endured the misery and acrimony and risked 
dismantling lies with hard-won truth

He stands in front of me
all but flinching and 
says hey

and I say 
I love you
I’m proud of you
I’m sorry.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Two Haiku 11/23/21

Blue canvas of sky,
clouds of white, gray and yellow,
painted slowly west.

Wind-blown branches brush
atmospheric impressions;
invisible art.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Leaf Portrait

to be a branch full of yellow and russet leaves in the sun 
fuel for the warming flames before 
winter’s long dark chill

when the sky is made of sapphire and gold
inside I am already on fire 
I inhale crisp dry air and breath out smoke

I am melting in this month’s mouth
and will mourn when it is gone
in winter the sun hides behind the blue snow hill
rises weakly into icy branches
the sickly smell of gasoline exhaust
as tires slush along the roads and through the parking lots
before it sinks again behind the horizon

when the darkest day comes
I won’t long for summer
I desire the one light stand of November
on a bed of gilded leaves

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday Morning Son

In the morning he calls for mommy, 
but if I am sensible enough to rise,
I go because, even though it was only a night, 
I miss his beautiful face.

When he says good morning,
the sweetness is overwhelming.
I feel like the bottom of my heart 
can’t support its fullness;
like it will fall straight through my body,
through the floor. 

He leads me downstairs to prepare 
breakfast and my coffee. 
Chatty, his imagination precipitates,
his words tumble and flow
like a rain-swollen stream.

I listen to his dreams and love them.
I dismantle his nightmares with explanations,
and advice on confronting fears,
even those that sound silly to me,

because bad dreams can be absurd,
but he is still so new to the world
and should never have to be afraid.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


No sooner spoken,
the encoded languages
decode the secret.
What is it? I
don’t need to

Friday, November 19, 2021

Home Is Where

half of our mother’s heart is not beating
the doc said there’s less of a rhythm than 
a series of erratic bursts of activity followed by
long periods of stillness and a growing dread

who knows how long this was the case
judging temperature by my brothers and sisters 
maybe just over thirty years give or take

she doesn’t have long now and lives alone
claiming not to care wondering who will come

wondering why the silence grows in her ears

Thursday, November 18, 2021


ember fades and leaf curls
cold dark resolves in ice

icicle grows from eaves
lightening days lead to green

melt water runs and rains
grass fragrant blooms like sun

rising heat ripples on the road settle
light leans winds cool the ember

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Sleep Walking

The knot in my chest
is made of unfinished work
and unwritten words.

Anxiety is 
a shattered fiberglass heart,
needles through my skin.

All I want to do
is escape in sleep or art.
Danger plays there too.

Distraction is all
unconscious made manifest;
sleep for the awake.                                                                                                      

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


At four this afternoon
the nearly full moon sat fat 
on the power lines criss-crossing our street.
With the early ending November day
cold pinkening 
his nose and cheeks,
my toddler and i took turns
dribbling a ball with our feet
from fence wall to fence wall
in the backyard.
He paused to pick up leaves
and pappus-covered dandelion puffs,
and with his breath
sent their parachutes sailing
into the breeze.

Monday, November 15, 2021


an expression of regret
is not an apology

acquiescing to an accusation
is not responsibility

predicting resentful silence
is not absolution

piss in your puddle and swim
or drown in it

Sunday, November 14, 2021


however briefly grieving
guardians become inimical 
hypocritical cynical 
subliminal irritant corruption
leading to a feeding tube 
of assumptions

make your life like mine you’re doing fine
go another way and you’ve been led astray

nobody has the answer
so when you tell me mine is wrong
you’re not the cure
you’re the cancer

there’s no need to prolong this agony 
end it
get up next to the unfamiliar
and befriend it

Why I Left Facebook (Again)

At some point in the last two months, I made the decision to get back on Facebook. Partly, I was following the advice of a YouTuber who also writes novels and self-publishes. 

The YouTuber talked about how authors today need put themselves out there, engage with people in order to bring attention to themselves and their writing, and how social media is a sort of necessary evil. He’s integrated managing his socials into his workday, and now enjoys engaging with his fans and people interested in reading and writing in general.

I have no doubt that I will eventually need to get back on social media. When my novel is done, depending on the route I take to publishing, I will have to market it, and “network”, and schmooze the socials. It’s something I’ve always hated and it feels dirty, but I recognize the necessity of self-promotion (I’m not going full Cormac McCarthy here).

That being said, I don’t need that now. 

I write because if I don’t my brain will crack open like an egg and spill its yolk out somewhere anyway. I’d rather have it on a page than on my face … and maybe it ends up there eventually anyway, but whatever.

Metaphor over.

I have committed myself to this poetry project and to completing my novel. The Dionysian Blunderbuss blog gives me a little more incentive to stick with it, because of course I love the idea of people reading my stuff, and maybe even being meaningfully affected by it in some way. 

I like that a poem can be a shot of whiskey, throwing your perspective into a bit of a tilt, and changing you somehow. Really good poems should have you tripping ovaries/balls … and I have tripped off of poems and other good literature before. I want that for my readers.

But readers will read, or they won’t. They will share the link to a poem on their socials, or they won’t. I leave that up to them/you.

Having a page on Facebook didn’t meaningfully change the level of readership I receive. Granted, I got daily pings instead of weekly ones, but I can’t dwell on those numbers when the point is to test my linguistic mettle a little every day. And as I said, I write because I need to write.

Thanks for reading. Be good to each other.


Saturday, November 13, 2021


The rain was sudden and heavy.
The electric lights flickered.
The power pole crosses fixed against
the high wind that moaned around the eaves.
The tree across the street lost
more of its yellow leaves,
afloat like tiny toy boats in the puddle 
in the street beneath.

The storm resolved into a transfiguration
of that late afternoon.
The sun broke through, low now;
November evenings come early.
There was no rainbow,
but yellow leaves, painted in relief against the sky,
shone gold on Parrish blue,
like a votary’s vision of heaven.

Friday, November 12, 2021


There is nothing I can precipitate
that will bring me closer to you.

The irony: even as you read these words
I am already on your mind.
If I say “cumulonimbus”,
that probably wouldn’t 
have occurred to you before.

And even though now we are lovers,
raining my thoughts into you,

I am lonely,
my language is not.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Garbage Man

fat sad sack of stinking
mediocre ichor fetid
pallid fish skin wrapped tepid

bind me in zip ties
kick me downstairs
set me sickly on the curb

staple on the sign
do not disturb

out with the trash
bloated bag useless
nonsense in a case

wasted tissues
wasted words
wasted space

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Way My Mind Works

The way my mind works,
it doesn’t take much
for me to spin
a pretty stone
into a
that must 
be thrown
the stream
that imbued
it with old,
healing magic
to release it
from an ancient curse
that warped its purpose,
but the stream has dried,
so some brave soul
must take the quest
to restore
the waters
to free
the stone
the land
from its dark
barren state
to its former
bountiful and 
transcendent beauty
for all to behold.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


cold through my skin
and tired all day
would curl up under comforters
close my eyes until night
opens the skies

who let this weariness in
it had no invitation
the guest list is very exclusive
only these words and i
and quiet longing

too much to do
so much to write
the coffee gasps
exasperated that three cups
are not enough

my eyelids cannot lift
my sideways tilting mind
slipping into dreams

Monday, November 8, 2021


this morning leaf-blown brightness
sunlight effervescent sing-a-long
follow the bouncing photon balls

hearts on sleeves should lead
on a day like today leaping in
joyous fizzy love

pull blinds open
cast blinders down
uncover windows foremost
of the soul
to bathe in brilliance

single puffball remaining
chloroplasts still blasted
mightily above the yellowing lawn-grass 
dancing with the breeze
casting an enormous shadow
both a reminder and forecast 
of springs

in our cells we too are
tremendous light and power

today before night falls
let yourself effuse into
your self-same element
burn bright that lucent love
earn your night’s rest

Sunday, November 7, 2021

I Have Been

i have been
a baby
a toddler a boy a brat
a fat kid an adolescent a weird kid
a singer
a boyfriend
a bully a friend
a runner
an actor a local celebrity
a stream and a bridge
ice on the falls in the winter
mud dried on boots in the spring
a tree and mycelia breaking mulch in the soil
at its roots.
a fly on the wall,
a fish a cat a dog
a pig an ass 
a horse a goat
a barrista
a man
a pugilist
a student a teacher
a drop-out a graduate
a conman an artist
a husband a father
a loser a cheat
a has-been 
a professional
a boss a coach
a jerk
a lover
a gamer
a dragon a harbinger
a nerd a hobbyist
a debtor
a nomad a trespasser an outcast
a customer service representative
a stone from which no blood could be squeezed
a guide a trainer
a mourner
a writer
and I would say 
this time I want to stay here 
but after so many changes i know more
are inevitable because change 
is how you know you are

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Conversation With A Rock

I tried talking to a rock.
It complained about the mud
and said the rain was tearing it down.
It was cold at night, and
when the rain got down in the cracks
it froze.
Now the cracks were spreading
and pieces were falling off.

Sometimes someone would come by
and cover the rock with a blanket
and a tarp to keep the rain off,
but that made it hard to breathe, 
and there was still the mud.

So, the rock said it didn’t care,
and would just sit there
suffering and complaining about its plight
until it was rubble.

I felt badly for the rock,
but knew the most I could do
was come by in the spring
with a shovel.

Friday, November 5, 2021


A winter rain was rolling down my face
as we were walking homeward from the bar.
My drunkenness had left me short of grace
and stumbling I would not have made it far,

but for my friend on whom I could rely
to catch me if I slipped or tripped and fell.
For him, if needed, I would surely die,
and fight beside him to the throne of hell.

There never was a truer friend to me
than this who leads me now to hearth and home,
though senselessly I blather drunk decrees,
and nearly falling face down in the loam.

Eventually the threshold waits for we
comrades in kind and brothers endlessly.

November Runners

november light lay like melted candle wax
glazed all in hazy afternoon gold
shadows fell dark and deep and blue
stretched luxuriously long-legged eastward

we ran on a shining strip of asphalt
young and fresh and wanting
cold air cooling sweat between fingers
ruddy noses ruddy cheeks

when she laughed
she laughed fully richly given over
peals sweet from deep down
and she scrunched up her freckled nose

we sat on her steps and drank orange juice
ate cold cheese pizza
and made plans
for tomorrow

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Of Hawk And Home

In the bright rising morning light 
I watched a hawk launch
from a tall tree with strong, reliable limbs
though its golden leaves were going brown. 

Keen-eyed, brazen, the predator flew
away, then arced, I was certain,
to return to its lofty bower, 
but it beat its wings and kept on into the blue
until it left my frame of vision. 

I apprehended then
the human fixation 
with watching these birds in flight. 
Fierce and graceful, 
independent and free, 
with such space to fly, 

where the air alone is enough 
to hold you safe and high;
where the wide sturdy arms of home 
are always waiting 
upon your choice 
whether to return.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


a moment arrives every moment then 
passes forever into oblivion
for each solitary life
the advent of a break in worldly concern
adheres in every second

but the constraints of routine 
prevent questioning its continuance
for each chain broken 
a new set of chains
each courageous escape emerges
into a new fortress
with its own arbitrary rules

some call it tradition and pass it 
from generation to generations,
regeneration sometimes
fragmented never forgotten
the oldest most valuable
genetic disease

Monday, November 1, 2021

Waking Dream

amber streetlights leading
down leaf-littered lanes
lonely night strider
daytime somnambulist
doubting the destination
would sooner be couch bound
pajama trammeled

awake and urged 
out into autumn air now
mulling the emperor’s dream
in which he was a butterfly
flitting from flower to flower
unaware of the sleeping self
then upon waking wondered
which was the dream
which monarch am i

but the closer he travels to town
fragile and feather light blown by
a host of human voices
the dream bubble breaks

admitted through the door
forcing on a face for friends
living a dream

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...