Monday, February 28, 2022

In The Shadow

in the shadow of the burgeoning rose of the nucleon
the truncheon bludgeons the escutcheon 
behind the curmudgeon’s luncheon of gudgeon
paean to the surgeon’s smidgeon of dudgeon
and the echoed pigeon’s wings from light to the dungeon

Sunday, February 27, 2022


all it would take is out of the blue
a mile wide slamming down
any moment
open the sky raining down fire
boil the oceans

do the things you love
be with whom you love
and be grateful

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hide and Seek

in the shade under a willow tree full of summer’s green
the branches hung like a curtain all around
as a child it was like a shelter

he sat there smiling waiting

he heard the children gather saying
“We found everyone. Do you want to play again?”
and then they ran off

had he hidden so well they forgot him
or had they never thought of him at all

he remained there for hours until night
head bowed
when his parents came calling

Friday, February 25, 2022

Force Without Thought

gathering at the border
a force without thought
following an order
to end fabricated threats
the threads of narrative
woven with words on
a government media loom

rise and climb death
blood of the chessmen
falling on stone-faced strategy
score by score the only winners
the numbered dead 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

In Darkness Grinning

on the ruined castle floor
is a rusted iron ring on an iron banded door
in the darkness underneath
dusty stairs of stone descending
the rat-gnawed bones of a foolish thief

beyond the bones and down below
cold dungeon dark the whispering waits
where shadows weep in fetid pools
that ooze toward the sewage grates

in one dark cell where even light won’t go
there lurks a grinning creature mad of eye
with strips of leather stuck between his fangs
bent clasps of gold from armor lay nearby

he guards this growing trove with greedy glee
awaiting more adventurous fools 
to spring upon and eat before they flee

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Walking Home On A Rainy Night

the rain fell up sting sharp as rice
in sheets stabbing the streets twice
poor flowers beaten in their beds
pink petals pouring from their heads
while trees dropped leaves that pelted down
a waxy patchwork on the ground
and i out walking headphones in
paid no mind to the screaming din
half mile from home did naught but grin
soaked through to my sensuous skin

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


aurora twine your alluring fingers in my hair
sea wind combed and wild about my face
pick your eye up over the gray waves and
shine your grace and play that soul freshening song
the singing has me besotted barefoot in sand
in love alone illuminated 
by the golden salted dawn

Monday, February 21, 2022


today i floated through the window out
over the grass into the sunlit sky
and saw myself in passing looking low
behind my desk with misery welled eye

so i kept going up toward the sun
into the heart of starry brilliant fire
and lost myself for minutes on the run
returning to the burn of dead desire

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Proxy "Magic: The Gathering" Lands in Watercolor Panels

I painted these using watercolor pencils over the last three or four days. 

The mountains were my first attempt. I used a mana symbol cut from a land on the first panel. For the others I used stickers from a gift box of old Magic Cards. Then, I used Mod Podge to seal them and add durability.

I just finished the forest panels tonight. I haven't mod podged them yet, but intend to. They are still taped together, but when I am confident they're dry, I will separate them and apply the sealer to front and back. I won't be using stickers or putting mana symbols on these at all.

I enjoyed painting these quite a lot. I think I may do more paintings on small panels like these, and include them as unique art pieces in copies of the Dionysian Blunderbuss zine I am planning (if people request to have copies sent to them).

Let me know what you think. 

Be good to each other.

~ MS

Haiku: Winter Blooms

Blossoms bloom as steam
between holes in the lattice
of hot pie cooling.

Another Missed Day

I missed posting yesterday's poem (02/19/22) ... so here is one I wrote this morning:

In the winter noon light,
the house is all sharp edges
and deep angles.
Cold air whines in through cracks,
no matter how tightly shut the windows.
The cat finds a patch of low sunlight
and sleeps fitfully on the rug.
The kitchen tile is uneven, and
there’s a bulge in the ceiling that’s been there
since we moved in.
The neighbor’s flag makes sharp flat flapping sounds
like a coiled towel snap on my ears.
My son, angry with me for asking what’s wrong,
takes his breakfast to his room.

Friday, February 18, 2022

From My Raft Among The Reeds

from my raft among the reeds
i see the moon penetrating the surface of the river
and its imperfect copy beyond the sky

Thursday, February 17, 2022


wherever i go lately it seems it’s too late
the wine has been open too long
the food cooled and picked over
flies no longer waived away

age is a death sentence for friendship
work is a wailing wall
sleep is dreams of weeping

when my wife and children are in bed
i walk outside and stare back at 
the cold eye of the moon
my shadow walks with me in silence
my breath a phantom in the wind

like a child 
hands over my eyes
i have become invisible
i can’t put them down

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


there was a single brief reprieve
in the weeks after the wedding
the plane made metaphor of 
two grounded lives 

and two birds flew 
to the mountains
out of the bounds 
of what they knew
hell is worry of a parent for a child
who is lost in their bedroom
in willful silence

a beating heart eaten
in the abysmal dark
by a creature who believes love
is nervous devouring

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


peel back Greenland and that’s where I will lay my head
North America of heart and hunger for my chest and stomach
my hips and legs under the slowly depleted rain forests of South America
and my feet under the snowy Antarctic blankets
lay the lands back over me
i promise not to roll around too much

there i would sleep until it’s over
i won’t mind the dirt and the things that crawl
dark and warm in my burrow
burned sometimes by belches of magma
when i need a drink the rivers and streams will flow into me
and everything will carry on
until it is quiet

in the post human silence
where i am not welcome
i may rise and brush the dirt from my eyes.
sip the fresh clean clouds from blue skies
and then sit taking it all in
eagles will nest in my hair
elk will ramble and roam across the fields and forests of my thighs
until I am covered with dust and wilds
in repose
i will become mountains

Monday, February 14, 2022


abrogating and wasted 
awash in loss and cortisol basted
brain is on fire the light’s almost gone
out of choices no voice 
on the other side of my phone
been a lot of years out here enduring alone
harboring unpopular barbarian thoughts
about corporate sources of discourse and power zoned

at four am the ad campaigns stage a foray
to my shame into my worried mind lame earworm soiree
today it’s hard to feel the Marx card is worth pealing
in the dark night suburban shard light splashing
wishing for sleep but staring at the ceiling

knowing i’m going nowhere 
i got no shares and i’m pear shaped
i get blank stares i got no cape
for no reason I paint landscapes
from my desk chair i breath stale air
I stay inside ‘cuz I’m all hair like grape ape

people run rampant when frightened to see me
i tell them i’m no harm but nobody believes me

so i write to right wrongs
i sing songs in the shower
if you long for a cursed verse
give me a bower and

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sketchbook X


Watercolor - From a photo I took two years ago at a farmhouse upstate.

Winter Day Before Dawn

puffed clumps of snow breeze-borne float 
softly tapping on the morning’s coat
gray shadows lay and roll
none angled nor deep
while the cloud pink lid is closed 
our star still asleep

by the window laced with rime
steam hovers on warm bread warm cup
so quiet so dear this time out of time
before the house is up

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Friday, February 11, 2022

Sketchbook IX


watercolor & watercolor pencil

Until The Ground

it did not bring him low to love this way
he’d never groveled never scraped nor knelt
he did not understand how falling could
correctly be the word for what he felt

he felt a tug at heart like it was tied
with string to dandelion yellow kites
and near no clawing trees nor power lines
with gusts of warming wind to guide their flight

and yet in flying or in falling one
remains the same until one touches ground
for everything in air or earth is bound

like Icarus in wings beneath the sun
to earth where what goes up must soon come down
still in that briefest rise the goal is won

Thursday, February 10, 2022


when my body is all that’s left behind
unburden yourself of that bulk in the furnace
then when it is dark and cool and nice
use the bits of bone and teeth for clattering as dice
let the coarse powder turn your soft hands grey
blend it with some ochre river clay
fashion a bowl to ornament a table’s surface
or for serving soup or stew
savory or sweet wholly wholesome 
nourishing to you
finally i’ll have fulfilled my purpose 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Untitled 2.8.22

the morning sun was a 
hot hammer on my bowed head
as I swung the pick to
break apart the rocky earth

the toil inspired only sweat
sopping brows that spilled over
into my stinging eyes
over my sunburned nose that 
dripped onto the soil

perspiration sealed my clothes
clinging to my corpus
stifled by the very air
that baked the landscape everywhere

but then a silver cloud shrouded the sun
and i looked up to that turquoise sky
and a cool breeze chilled my sweat
giving good feelings for my mind to wander by

so i laid that pickaxe on the ground
the boss’s calls were muffled by the wind
i walked to the well and drew cold water
to cool my sandpaper tongue 
wash the grit from my teeth

i found a shade tree a way off to sit beneath
and watched the clouds
and listened to the approaching horses’ whinny
before I fell asleep

Monday, February 7, 2022

Looking Toward Spring

the spade-headed tulip breaks through
the wet spring earth gives up
the leaf cocoon juts toward the light
sol shines on the cloak of radiant red petals
bursting forth in lustrous bloom

the gold-crowned daffodil bows its head
to the majestic beauty in honor and sadness
for the flare and strength fade
and are gone too soon

Sunday, February 6, 2022


in the dream 
two elderly people in robes
laughing and gasping
were trying to fuck
on the holy sepulcher
when like the voice of god
a crash thunder resounded in the tomb
the old man looked around afraid
the old woman pushed him off the stone
then rain pelted down
on the green-rust death mask of christ
as lightning flashed across
both sides of
the wet stained wall

Saturday, February 5, 2022

One Fish Out

institutional morning shoal and school
grey sneakered feet crossing the patio
leaving prints in the dew
on the line
steam rising from hot laundry
in the early spring cold

bare arms prickle passing through
wide shafts of golden sunlight
between the budded trees still leafless
bright beams shove aside the fog

to the Appalachian shadow 
head in a cloud 
descending to the valley
to the forbidden river of the horn

Sketchbook VIII


Watercolor and colored pencil

Friday, February 4, 2022


the human-made web
or for some the chains
the overflow of art
into masses hands

painting on canvas
talons in the mind

hands’ oils on hard broth
in the dish growing

the institutions’
tool to integrate

to the Romanized
Britains a process
to convince conquered
people to freely
accept enslavement

unseen camouflage

an inheritance
from empire’s last age

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Another Glass Of Gin

in the house of a friend
unfamiliar faces
in ill-fitting clothes

the fabric of minutes
stretches taffy minded into hours
the empty glass grows warm in hand

others’ conversation blends with music
the high laughter is loose and nice
no one speaks to me
i pretend not to mind

the feeling in my head is good
i slip away to the kitchen
where there is a door to the outside
for another drink

trays barely frozen
easy to break the surface ice 
finger shards from each well
return the shallow water to its freezing

the clear spirit sloshes in
a slurry rises floats
there’s no tonic for this
why bother

there’s dancing now in the living room
i lean in a doorway and drink
the moments crystalize
a wall of thin ice

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


the deep calming medicine of night
enters first the eyes
then the blood

darkness meets darkness there
day outside
night within

our dual nature some would say
but the cracks make many
and the night comes out

follow the bleeding of ink drops on wet paper
rippling open like an iris in the night
reflexive pleading for healing light

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Upstate Sundown

sunlight tipped the tops of tall grasses
paint brushes drying in the slow summer wind
the canvas was the eyes of the children
on the second story of the farmhouse
at the window watching the sun set 
what the horizon now effused 
a radiance of colors unlike any spectrum they knew

from the city where the sky was smoke
and the ground was rust stained cement 
or rainbows from oil on black asphalt
a hot wind pulled along by faceless traffic
glinting glass on the gum gobbed sidewalk
white sun stinging off the windows of apartment stacks

that myriad-hued silent descent echoed 
even in their dreams
their whole lives

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...