Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Love My Body Never Got

a fat guy
wondering what
if for one minute
i just pretended to
love my body how it is

that’s not how a man’s supposed to look
try to read not eat a health food book

epithets still
echo in my mind
lard-ass lazy cow or
couldn’t fit through the bathroom door

lean mean scrappy guys tough guys are cool
in movies fat guys are funny 
why aren’t you

day long
every day
the same abuse
but so ingrained now
no siblings are required
the shame keeps me locked inside
i hate the thought of being seen

hey fatty hop on a treadmill
shouts some kid in a passing car

what if
i have the
gall to say i
love my jiggling ass
my thick runner’s thighs now
soft but no less powerful
my swollen stomach like a hill
found beautiful in some cultures just
not ours which would also shame me for these
tits that i try so hard to hide but laughing
hold and shake mirthfully in the mirror this once
like a holy holiday of self-acceptance and
love my body never got though it’s all i’ll ever have

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Scary Personal Writing

Hi everybody.

Since I usually write a poem a day, my poems tend to be a bit shorter as a result of the time constraint, but today I started one that I want to work into something longer. I am about halfway through it now.

The poem I'm working on is intensely personal, and airs some things about myself I struggle with daily as an overweight, atypical man. It's my body. I'm working to change it, but I'm stuck with what I've got while I take the long journey toward making it something I can more comfortably inhabit. Accepting it for what it is in the face of fear of judgment is one thing I haven't allowed myself to do, and that's been the source of a lot of self-loathing and isolation.

I also know I'm not the only with these struggles.

It's partly due to my work with the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron that I'm finding the courage to write this poem at all. I don't want to dwell on it and drag it out, but it's something more than just one day of writing can satisfy. You'll have it tomorrow night.

Thanks so very much for reading.

Be good to each other.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Untitled 11.28.23

at your approach even the mirror bows
coolly you disdain the command to rise
fate’s quill intervenes 
the joy you send through my veins 
apprehends and compels my pen

each hour with you is a new song
let’s not play at being demure

and i will sing softly
and we can dance face to face
in eternity i’ll swim in your lashes
our lips meet before the point is past

nothing less than a new song every hour
and all yours to keep or send away
but let’s not be demure

this love comes on, retreats, returns as the tide
when we meet again a crashing kiss intense
a trembling inhale of breath then again
both adrift in passion’s surging violence

and these new songs each hour
there’s no sense in being demure

i am patient through hours without you
repelling all other temptations
remaining our love’s ravenous revenant
until you arrive and our bodies are the feast

and still new songs every hour
and no call to be demure

Monday, November 27, 2023

Winter's Arrow

formed of ice and ancient bone
benumbing missile of winter’s letting
propelled with no taut bowstring strummed
no archer with boots firm in frost
follows that point piercing through autumn
swallowed by darkening skies and lost
in snow’s soft silent forgetting

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Cutting Share

my love’s serrated intent
a simple dance
and eyes weaving enchantments
though daily the song is more pensive

questions live low in vows 
high in the cadence of moments 
my love hears the spell of my song
is irritated by the deranged prattle of the muse

frustrated by my contentment she paces
assimilating late the massive quandary of my preoccupation
an anguished life is no way to live
my solitude is sacred to me

you pose my desire as a tireless love
what now seems immortal only postpones the changes
it’s only in this sundering seclusion that what we share 
could infinitely endure

Friday, November 24, 2023

Thanksgiving Travels 3: The Final Chapter

Hi everybody.

Today was our last day upstate for a while. We brought sushi to my mother for lunch, had a really nice visit with my friends, and ended the night with a fish fry dinner from an excellent little sports bar that we brought back up the hill to mom's.

We're all looking forward to spending the rest of the weekend at home on Long Island. We're getting up early enough to try to get on the road by 8am. Fingers crossed that the drive won't be completely awful.

No poem tonight. Going to get some rest now.

Be good to each other.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Travels Part 2: Thanksgiving Boogaloo

Hello everybody.

Today started off with my "morning pages" for The Artist's Way at quarter after five this morning. When I finished, I did some other creative writing, and then couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I woke again a little after 8:30am and watched the parade with my wife and our four-year-old. My teenager slept in for a while longer.

Just before we left the hotel, I sent a "happy Thanksgiving" message to a dear friend of mine, only to discover we are in town at the same time. We made arrangements to see each other for a bit tomorrow afternoon.

Thanksgiving dinner is always more like Thanksgiving lunch with my family. We ate between noon and one, and everything was fantastic. My mother is a hell of a cook.

I'm including some random photos here from the day.

Be good to each other.


My mom and my wife taking care of last night's dishes.

I got my mom's woodfire going again.

I liked the interplay of the light, colors, patterns, and textures.

Back to the hotel for naps and quiet time to recharge.

Remains of Home

what a great gift to return 
to your childhood home
to see what has changed
and what fossils remain
to roam the land and mounds
of memories trapped in loam
perhaps with worms turning
and what a great relief
duties done curiosity sated 
to again be free to leave

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Travels

Hi everybody. 

We've gone upstate for the holiday to see my aging and isolated mother. We brought the turkey, and a few odds and ends. We were going to help her prepare the meal, but she had already baked the pies and taken care of almost all the prep before we even arrived.

The traveling has taken it out of me. I slept a bit in the car before I took over driving. Then when we checked into the hotel I crashed for another hour and a half. We took dinner to my mom, and came back to the hotel with coffee, but even after that, my eyes are still closing. So I'm writing this before bed with the hope that tomorrow will find me rested and ready to write poetry, but also to do some painting. 

After dinner tomorrow (weather permitting), my four-year-old son and I will wander out into the woods and gather some materials to take home and make a terrarium. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and now he's very excited by the idea as well - mostly, I suspect, by having bugs inside as pets (woodlice and springtails that eat mold and fungus and help to keep the terrarium fresh).

I'll post some pictures, more writing, and maybe a poem (or two) tomorrow. For now, good night.

Be good to each other.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023


i read the stories
some saw you bottom up 
some top down
some idolized you
some still do
i never saw how

your black gum filth 
crawled under my skin
summered in my sweat
strangers standing breathing
too close on the A train
into Queens poverty

on the street in the subway
the bestowed anonymity
was a kind of faceless grace
i prepared to force myself to fit
but felt like the only one 
who knew it was a dream
and couldn’t wake up

Monday, November 20, 2023

A Heart That Opens With Age

perhaps the cold will sway 
old heart growing weary though 
melts on the mountainside snow
rivers fill but slow as warmth gives
filling the stone with death
and radiating back like breath
until the dry air drips with tears
at last before goodbye a red crocus
the heart again blooms and hears

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Saturday, November 18, 2023


even those who travel the globe
taken whole tread but one small arc
and at dark that track must be enough
for as many souls as one self contains
this legged stalk is a sole fruit of earth

Friday, November 17, 2023

Suburban Transcendentalism

after work some strange woman
follows me around asking questions
as i walk downtown
about i don’t know what
i’m not interested
she gets sad and mopes off

in the bar i say hi to my friends
and drink a nice cold beer
staring at the tv blaring out 
some ad for a martial arts course

guy in a white gi leaps and sails 
one foot outstretched
across the long gravel field
the master sitting on the other end
meditation pose
with eyes closed holds up one hand 
for the foot to strike
words on the screen and announcer like
the full-length professional kick

but slow goes awry
the camera veers right
to the trees beyond the field
where rising from the ground
a disoriented man in a penguin suit
dusts himself off and looks around
the announcer says
a god falls

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Giving Myself The Night To Rest

Hi everybody.

No poem tonight. I'm getting over being sick with some upper respiratory hell, and unable to concentrate on something as demanding as poetry. I spent some time with my family, and then the rest of the night on some nerdy hobbies (sorting Magic The Gathering cards).

I hope you and those dear to you are all well.

Be good to each other.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023


when i think of deep time 
limestone comes to mind first
ancient beds of sediment high
sea cliffs rising out of the surf
the uncountable dead

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Time's Courses

even the lagging hour eats the rock
sips the moisture into its airy throat
slowly it eats the radiant day alive
in silence patiently chews

the dragging day too sculpts the mountain
loosens roots and rolls rubble
its whistling breath blows the grit
into the valley and washes it down

what hope then has a man in a year
digestion begins at the mouth
each month is a tooth testing the flesh
then begins the grinding

Monday, November 13, 2023

Leftover Pizza

healthy as anything else in the house
that last mushroom slice
very nice cold from the fridge
not old just from last night
surely no one will mind this
just i alone biting into 
a delicious balanced breakfast

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Untitled 11.12.23

these invented quandaries 
don’t see my position
those algorithms
with eyes closed
put you only parallel 
to the truth
and tomorrow the sadness
will be too gentle

Saturday, November 11, 2023


summer Saturday morning of a more hopeful time
with sunlight beaming across the clear expanse
up high out of reach
walking down to work along blue-shadowed streets
among those sagging rows of aging paint-faded homes 
eyes brimming bright all mirrors to the sky  
but inside dark and sleeping off a drunk
olfactory ghosts of stale cigarette smoke
overflowing ashtrays and carpet crumb rubble
sad sunken eyed stares of kids at the screen
spilling their milk and waiting for trouble

Friday, November 10, 2023

Day Job Blocks, The Artist's Way, and Camille Pissarro

Wrote a few lines of poetry today, but thoughts and frustrations over my day job have been taking up too much mental space. It's the block that won't go away as long as I need it to pay the bills. It's a relief when I manage to break through, but tonight won't be one of those nights.

Regarding the book The Artist's Way, I did not realize going in that it was actually meant to be a 12-week course. So, I'm doing it. I'll finish up my first week with tomorrow's "morning pages" and then get out for a walk. When I'm done with it, I'll do a write-up here about my experience, but I doubt I'll be able to keep from mentioning it on nights like this when I just write for the sake of writing here.

I went to the library with my 4-year-old on Tuesday and left with a stack of books. The one I got for me was on 19th century impressionist painter Camille Pissarro. It contains pages of his sketches and full-color reproductions of his paintings. It's beautiful and I'm excited to do some Pissarro inspired watercolor sketches and possibly oil painting experiments in the near future.

I hope you're all well. Keep warm and be good to each other.


Thursday, November 9, 2023


do you remember home best while sleeping
snoozing in the stillness with dreams all lies
denial is memory doubling running until so full
one where it’s bliss and one fraught with torment
all of it peppered with strange whispers and lust
abandon those now that you know
come be home in my heart

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


to do what you ignore
what weighs heaviest now
free it and say that is all
clapping your hands clean of dust

these weights are all words

we say i endure my sorrow
for i know one day soon 
i’ll have love and happiness

pressed against a wet stone wall
peering through an aperture awestruck
by an impossibly beautiful blue sky
the same as that over your head

find a blossoming tree
climb high in its branches
grab fistfuls of joy

Monday, November 6, 2023

It Is A Miracle To Walk A Mile

it is a miracle to walk a mile
    along a leaf littered country lane
slow with no destination dire
    only to breathe with senses free
while the high green field giving way to gold 
    sways in the crisp cold kinetic air
and with no need to hide there
    as though some bully in pursuit
        from your home now mute desolate
        combed the dew gleaming countryside
        to grasp and drag you screaming back

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Flight Feathers

sheltered in a bower arrogance won’t do
when is it safe to send you 
from the nest swirling around
fledgling in the wind unwound and wild

where you will find the solid ground
uncovering a sense of self undefended
will you find humility there and then
learning at last to bend with the storm

soften your rigid form on the current
freely make and accept mistakes
and sensing the cold at last wing south

or stubbornly impliable implacable
under the weight of your hubris break
into fate the yawning cat’s mouth

Saturday, November 4, 2023

November Calling

steam floating from the soup pot
mellow morning light
gleams within the window glass
glows soft upon the kitchen floor

still warm mid-autumn air bears
a dry leafy earthen spice
when it whispers i oblige
open the door

Friday, November 3, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Night to Read and Write

Today, my copy of the The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron arrived in the mail. I've wanted to read this book for quite a while, so now that it's here, I'm going to spend some time reading it and journaling, and recharging my battery for more poems to come.

When I'm done, I'll do a review here, but feel free to check it out yourselves in the meantime. I'm certain you can find this at your local library (it was originally published in 1992 and there have been several editions), but if you want to buy it, the Kindle and paperback versions are very reasonably priced.

Have a good night, get good rest, and be good to each other.


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Breaking Ice

land and air and sea on earth
        it’s maybe not something to break
specific targets not discussed
        the ice with a stranger on the train
qualitative aspects disrespecting
         in the months leading up to the holidays
but still it does exist
        the end of our species being perhaps
the greatest chance to prevent extinction
        what’s best for the preservation
multiple square brackets
        of the natural world
ensures their inclusion
                        but here goes nothing

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...