Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sympathy For The Ego

to proceed with suffering
maintain hostility towards ego 
the lacerating symptom 

or wait and watch

once the loathing is evinced or glimpsed 
position for unsentimental consolation 
going slightly childlike but wizened
gives comfort to the intimidated

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Doomsaying At The End Times

arbitrary coppers buttons 
police in wool coats 
going through the waste papers 
masts of the ship straight gloat 
float roasts in the GOAT's throat
if a boot don’t crush it 
toasted boasting to cheers 
recourse absent spine and it’s
prison bars for the fairest of them all 

we again started gone again
and the right stuff makes its way 
to wet lips and throat of the featurette 
we’re bringing cheese to the party opiate 
of the masses right in the sliced package wreckage
flaccid mad grab-assed around haven’t found it yet
like a plane that never leaves the ground 
we cough and fight until the sun goes down 
feverish with too much energy to spare 

it feels like the sun 
a hair’s width away from blasting in 
making forests into toothpicks cinders 
the bark of one tree makes aspirin 
another heats a house another builds one
and the tithe we pay is 
not enough air to breathe 
pump that gas up into the sky 
why cry when we’ll all die at the same time 
everybody holding hands and singing songs 
to the masses the masses 

he passes horrified 
too long until the blonde moon sets 
on the graveyard passes
when everything passes for a graveyard
the trees bow low in the courtyard 
ready set go

Friday, April 28, 2023

Dreaming Of Eden

i don’t want the steady drip from corners 
of weary obtuse angles in my brain
nor pens of gridded squares on which to map 
my trajectory through space each dark day
hitching cars coughing and narrowly laned
a brief break for lunch a bored heavy nap

give me daylight brilliant windows
dancing green grasses breeze blown trees
wild blooms and a swift brook splashing
we’ll watch fireflies flashing at night
beneath prodigious domes with holes
for moon and stars to pour their light

then sleeping in your splendid arms
wrapt legs soft lips and shampooed hair
or unashamed sleepless and bare
and loved and full of care and warm

Unwinding The "Alpha Male" Construct

There’s this macho all-for-me type of energy I manifested in my youth, and in moments of my highest confidence, in which I felt unstoppable and that all probabilities were open but for my choosing. And I think sometimes that the self-ascribed “alpha males” of our current culture are high on that feeling, crave that feeling, and sense it’s been stolen from them somehow. They sense they can no longer run over people they see as resources to validate themselves without consequence.

The earlier confidence, and the mature recognition of the self-absorption from which it emerged, has resulted in a kind of self-loathing I struggle with from time to time. At my most vulnerable I’ve felt selfish, worthless, and almost vampiric. Crawling, reaching, scrabbling for purchase in a world I find quintessentially and necessarily uncertain. 

I have come to accept that uncertainty, and so find a kind of confidence in a search for authenticity of self within this chaotic maelstrom. The search for authenticity becomes itself a vehicle for confidence because I am trying to find my own resources, a sense of self-reliance, all while recognizing the human struggle in everyone.

I think the toxic masculinity that overruns the consciousness of so many young men, and their supporters in this culture, grows in part from an unwillingness to accept the responsibility of seeking an authentic self, avoiding accountability, and the ease of seeing people as things to exploit. 

But human beings aren’t resources, and thinking men are not automatons. 

So I hope we can all pull our heads out of our collective asses, and regardless of sex and gender identities, just try harder to be sympathetic to our fellow humans, and be good to each other.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


i watched Aurora tip toe through the trees
and lay down hair splayed on the fallen leaves
her gown soaked up the dew her breath made breeze
but then she rose and flew over the eaves

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sonnet To Uncensored Random Thought

before those books go missing from their shelves
and algorithms take the place of chance
let’s take a long last look within ourselves
to make some nonsense do a silly dance
once more to sing some tuneless melody
we heard in white noise standing in the shower
enjoy some silent unseen privacy
just staring out the window for an hour
think some illicit thoughts we’ll never share
and have ideas we never knew were there

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


the grain bowl going upside down
across the field the placid beast
protects the forest door
through which the light goes gray and cold
the other side’s guardian snarls and frets
until the snowy heath’s high yellow grass
reveals the night heron’s red eye
it tilts its head the way away
from a tree full of crows
toward what i have sought all along

Monday, April 24, 2023

A Night Walk In Spring

there is nothing like a night walk
in early spring with blossom laden
branches shedding petals over
sidewalks children scrawled with chalk
filling the life-recycled air 
with million-year-old scents 
intermingled with the chemical clean
exhaust smell issuing from laundry vents
the streetlights sputter alive their cones
of light and mothers call their kids in to eat
and bathe and rest their play-weary bones

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Taking The Weekend

Obviously there was no poem yesterday, nor will there be one today or tomorrow unless I feel so inclined. I have a very good friend and his family visiting from out of town so I am giving myself permission to take the weekend off ... unless the creative urge strikes.

Expect a poem (possibly more than one) on Monday at the latest.

Please be good to yourselves and to each other.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Mind Body Connection

paper clip hook in my brain
tightening torque in my chest
rubber band between
when storm winds blow
screaming weeping slamming doors
winding my head around
my heart follows
wrapping one way then back
until at last a snap or slack

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


the essential preface
says value definitions
as nebulous patterns
darkness shape of somewhere
tactile variations 
elements function regardless
broken-up surrounded played
relation maintains identity

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Unwinding The Night

marginal gains wasting in my head
the dead spoke in the wheel
no one listened
only waited for their turn 

argosies and mutiny hand in hand 
the blessed peel coils the brother toils 
up the stairs grasps the rope and tolls 
the bell peals matins for the masses 

slowly unwinds the snake of night who 
slinks back over the curve of the earth 
shedding a thin skin with cells 
to catch the light in rainbows

there is no evil in the night only 
the fanged threat of superstitious poison 
the timid human alone 
in the wide darkness jumping 
at shadows darker than night 

but there’s nothing 
not there in the light

Monday, April 17, 2023

A Few Lines In Answer To The National Anthem*

yeah i saw the fucking flag flying
side of the Sunrise Highway
just over a bursting spray of new spring green
with the McDonald’s flag on mast just beneath

*I have plans for a longer version of this poem exploring how I am simultaneously grateful to live in this country, but also fiercely angry every time another freedom is curtailed or another group of people just trying to live their lives comes under threat of losing their rights because of some narrow minded bigots' stiflingly short-sighted interpretation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 

Anyway, this will likely be a long one and I will post it here with an update.

Sunday, April 16, 2023


what the spring bloom will
become depends on its roots
we can be our will

Saturday, April 15, 2023


it’s fair to say my father dead over 
a year now scandalized my mother by
being unfaithful throughout their marriage
before having the gall to fall and die
after months in a convalescent home
though at least he lived long enough to make
apologies weeping in a rusted
wheelchair holding her hand his own shaking
after his ashes were stashed in the urn
she saw his cell phone and took back mercy

Friday, April 14, 2023

To Those Who Listen To Politicians

brandishing blandishments 
bluffing adulatory battlements
asinine inveiglement 
don’t be taken in
by a winning grin and something akin
to promises of a better tomorrow
when today is
a perfectly fine time
to begin

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Knocking May

a beautiful stranger to my door
hawking wares i try to ignore
when May comes knocking

ostentatious smile too bright
that jejune steals sun from blooming April
to presume to compete with June light

no matter how gold and dappled
how sweet the berries peaches apples
or day’s scents of buds bursting into flowers

into warm nights of somber hours
trying to prove you’re not an unseasonable stray
pure aesthetic sensual hollow May

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Home Of My Birth

emerged from my egg 
solid surface cracking back 
peeling reeling 
into the seelie world 
of light and fire 
lament and loss 
from womb home 
sheltering shell
i carry this longing 
wherever i dwell

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Photon On Vegetable Porn

at the sucking mouth of spring
high sun’s hands warm caress and pet
arousing teasing out spring trees’
billowing green ejaculate

Monday, April 10, 2023

Pressures Of The Not Yet Defined

marred by sleeplessness
carelessly thrown restless 
into nets held together 
by tenuous threads
to the trenches beneath
the weight of the sinking sea
disinterested pressing
until sinking or swimming
we decide between the traps
and the shunned betweens

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter Dreams & No Poem Today

No new poem today. Just going to enjoy the holiday with family and I hope you all get to do the same.

Last night I dreamed that a friend of mine decided that I should die to prove his theories about reincarnation. I was in the middle of telling him not to do it, when he pulled out a gun and shot me in the head.

Everything went dark. I felt like I was floating.

Then (still dreaming), I opened my eyes and saw I was laying in bed in a new body. I remembered being relieved that my friend was right, but the relief was short-lived. My friend had shot me after all, and the world I woke up in was not the one I'd left. I wondered if my wife and my sons were somewhere mourning my death and if they even existed in this new world. 

At the peak of my dream-self's crisis, I woke up for real.

Betrayed by a friend, and then born again. Seems appropriate for the holiday.

Be good to each other.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Heaven and Earth

encrusted shape of diamonds 
loose like light falls from heaven

the world pending for all time
have a sit down to break bread

the apples pressed to cider
ferment and reach firmament

sitting hillside before dawn
drunken asses wet with dew

bars of light rising from town
singing how the stars are set

Friday, April 7, 2023

World Song

the world’s sonorous songs
naïve still green and gold
runny as a fresh egg
growing somber with age
drifting alone longing
for some forgotten home

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Light and Shadow

your bed a mattress and a quilt
pearlescent silk sheets tucked
against the wall just below 
the sheer curtained front window 
we dressed just after dusk
still smelling of our sex and left
into the air of April night warm too soon
out beneath the streetlights
under the two-faced moon 
that shone across the high shifting grass
shining in your hair 
while i felt the tree shadows
you said gave me an air of mystery
swallow me up completely

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Betrayal's Garden

vile and sore as a creosote candle’s flame
assists in apprehending a few diffident deviants
shouted directions and verses of vigilant embers
celebrations in the rose garden attempted beauty

invented lore serves only to convey novelty
dousing your lips in diluted wine
the names you recite to the moon reel back revolted
beneficent votives in the immortal tongue

this too serious world has no pantomime without us
lesser men maintain the repose of mountains
invested you celebrate the occupation of your town

regrettably this love flowers into fiery disdain
viciously seminal crews attend to your domain
culling the adjourned hue of roses from war 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


the blood calls
for violence
blessedly couth
passion’s deserts languish
with single purposes

ostentatious suffocation
the quailing blemish
son do you hear
my servants
and yours
eaten with ancient pleasure

enjoy sweet jam of veins
watch skin mauve to pale blue
and the key thing i impart to you
decadent and delicate
the peril
and futility of life

Monday, April 3, 2023

Bat Boy Crosses A Line

remember the rubbish 
awaiting our wonder
when the warring world 
was waxing weary
and we latched onto fictions

unsolved mystery books 
in the elementary school library
with aliens and ghosts

thunderbird’s enormous shadow
but the roar the natives heard 
was no bird 

some plane passed through
a cloud over the Bermuda Triangle
and dropped off the radar

when i heard American Indians’ name for it
i knew sasquatch was real
some alternate hominin 
hiding in forests out west

and don’t get 
prepubescent me started
on Loch Ness

my 13th birthday gifts in hand
anger betrayal 
a supermarket tabloid
Bat Boy silently screaming
on the black and white cover

that too-close too-clear
obviously computer crafted snap
ended the illusions

a lie that was such a lie 
it poked a hole in all the lies and i
somehow sad i couldn't believe 
in lies anymore

Sunday, April 2, 2023


messages in tar
bubbling up bones 
veins of black matter

greed circling 
waiting to swoop down 
on carrion failure 

round and round 
stinking swollen in the sun
bounty bursts forth

tearing through flesh
the veins the ocular pit 
filled with richness 

used in death 
poisons the ground

Saturday, April 1, 2023

To Hephaestus At Etna's Base

pressure builds until
lava slides over the top 
sizzling whistling
singeing you 
singing you

somewhere always
someone rooting
you will give in
maybe at last 

but forge ahead keep on
through orange glow
red rock warping heat
listen for the song

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...