Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Week One

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
~Ludwig Wittgenstein

In the first week I managed eleven posts. This post and my poem today will make thirteen.

What have I learned so far?

1. A minimum of one poem a day worth of creative output along with my other endeavors is achievable.

2. Forcing myself to put ideas together into a poem inspires me to work on other creative projects such as D&D adventures, short stories, and nonfiction pieces.

3. I feel awakened to, and on the look-out for, creative inspiration everywhere.

4. My inner critic is a real asshole.

I definitely started to lag a bit in the last two days, but I realized that the lag was not from a lack of motivation, but rather a fear of failure fueled by my inner critic.

But “fear of failure” is not quite right either. It was fully the asshole bully in my brain telling me, “Well, that’s not good enough. Are you really going to post that? So, we’re just phoning it in now? This is a little bit ‘Hallmark’, no? No one is going to read this shit. Too depressing. Too hopeful. Too short.” Blah blah blah …

Turning that voice off and just writing and condensing without overthinking it is much, much harder than I thought.

In terms of readership, the blog has 99 hits. Thank you to my friends who continue to share the links on their social media. I might look into getting on Facebook or Twitter, just to have another platform to encourage readership.

Also, I strongly encourage people to post comments on the poems here. Please engage with the material even if it's just to say you liked it, or didn't get it, or whatever.

Into the next week!

Be good to each other.


1 comment:

  1. For people to post they don't get it means they have to ignore their inner critic saying, "Don't let them know you can't grasp this!!!"


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