Friday, April 15, 2022

Incline Chorus

those distant dissonant sonorous voices
singing the sun up over the horizon
heavy lifting facing south and shifting
left foot right right foot right left foot –

under the star the shadows arc
light splits into the gift of color
oh to slouch in the lawn reflecting on the grass
soaked in the music of the garden's living thrum
into afternoon as aft the passing day presses
half a head into evening reflecting on the dawn
as this ship wends its course thru the outer ocean
of perceptually endless night

rattle of human voices hum of throats
honks whistles wheezes buzzes chimes
bells rung tongues into language that organism
it only knows its selves disseminating differ and defer
a measure of time where letters are seconds
words are minutes
a sentence an hour
a paragraph a day
a page a month
an essay a year

a conversation a lifetime
unfinished in the end

the lights dim down and off
the windows flicker blue 
a screen’s a window too

go now to bed children
the faster you sleep the sooner to dawn
the silence of darkness
is the beginning of song

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