Wednesday, May 31, 2023


those stupid drunken nights
crazed craving the spotlight
yelling my insides out loud
splitting my mind into betweens

mad midnights and decorous days
bodies writhing blanket wrapped
mind wrapt between the stacks
trying to swallow my feet whole

even now sleepless so many years later
the bump in the 3am dark
just my mind knocking about
a crumbling attic infested with old shame

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Dead Ringer

again i am shaken
some convulsive shock
where can’t or won’t are equal 
eagerness is satisfaction

shovel in the ditch
deranged depressed
tied in knots
stranded in your mirror

blink itch and dig
my anger sickens
and laughs
i keep confirming it

even bereft 
all nights are stunning
the binds slowly lessen
leaving me free and
alone with ghosts

Monday, May 29, 2023

Progress Cultivation

planted in new conditions 
combinations of soil
adaptation is a boon in the field
more likely to survive shifting

transplanted in stress
the inexperienced evolve
to simulate inert plastic sheets
and linger beyond abundance

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Persistent Color of Absence

now we’re approaching the time when
the carelessness of your absence
tinges the late afternoon light

in the distance of our son’s eyes
the peppered rind of your defense
the seed shell lying at his roots

still my anger and disbelief
one moment texting me requests
the next you were off with a shot

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Fisher Kid

they say time heals wounds
but i learned young scraping knees
i like picking scabs

From Shadow Sublime

i was cold and low on a country road
when i came upon the evening sun
pouring through young leaves in a copse of trees
illuminating high grass brass and gold
i hastened my step to that glow then slowed
and decided the shadow is better
because it’s hard to see in glaring light

No Poem For 5/26/23

This past night, instead of writing, I painted and time got away from me.

I'll try to post twice in the coming day: a poem and ... something else probably.

Be good to each other.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

One Star Review of an Emotional State

when weariness takes hold
eyes aching from the hours
when the day’s frustrations
sing a tired mind off key
it becomes easy to 
imagine giving in 
crumpled under covers
bereft of artifice
seething desolation
i have explored that place
the food is terrible

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Manning The Lines

destructive luxury diversions
boiled down breed lethargy
tedium is underappreciated 

changing their capacity for risky bets 
can decide dullness is a good place to start
men silently hanging laundry 

white sleeves rolled up forearms flexing
the breeze-blown smell of fresh linens
bare feet cool and wet in the grass

sustained connection to environment
becoming open and sensitive to pain 
backs into it please boys fill the void

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

First Cup

before the day breaks
like a roaring wave crashing
over languid shores

predawn morning steams
holding pristine silent peace
over hot coffee

Monday, May 22, 2023

An Introvert's Fond Memories of Lockdown

i didn’t miss the world
his incessant noise and chatter
the charlatan salesman’s lures and hooks
i had my family shelter food and work
and lots of lovely books

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Stop Signs

there is no more 
obvious manifestation 
of the social contract 
than a stop sign 

so when i see 
someone run one 
my heart breaks a little
and my hope erodes

and i admit
it broke my mind a bit 
when i got hit

Saturday, May 20, 2023


i walked a narrow mile through the wild
guiding those i had with wiles beguiled
killers, schemers, thieves consumed by greed
dispatching detractors to add them to the feed

we trod the path enjoying fruits of power
took our time and made the throne room in an hour
and none could stop our rise though so few tried
wealthy liars with hopeful poor beside

we undermine their rights before their eyes
for none can now distinguish truth from lies

Friday, May 19, 2023

Human Voices

some truck roars and revs violent noise
through the open spring windows into our house

on the street some kid shreds rubber
from the tires of a motorbike peeling

the party next door thumps until midnight
the toddler’s window stays closed in the summer

Independence Day fireworks start around 
Memorial Day and last to Labor Day

here in the suburbs you quickly learn
no neighbors at all make good neighbors

State of The Blog: One Year and Nine Months

 I figured it was time to look at where this blog has been and where it's going.

Currently with 680 posts on this blog, even with missed days, I'm ahead of target to meet my goal of a poem a day with posts to spare. The goal will be at least 730 poems here (among other posts) before August 17th, 2023, the two-year anniversary of Dionysian Blunderbuss. Even if I only wrote one poem a day between now and then, it would be easy to meet that goal. So I'm going to continue this poem-a-day project/writing practice until then. Then, I'm going to switch things up a bit.

After the two-year anniversary of this blog, instead of continuing with a poem a day, I'll be writing one long-form poem a week (plus any other posts I think are worth going up). This means the quality of the content will improve, but it will be longer between posts. 

Engagement here is next to none, so I don't think switching to a weekly model will have any meaningful effect except that I will be developing poetry that I can take a little more pride in; poems that may make it to other forms of publication as I pull those things together.

I'm happy to have published a poem in The 2023 Suffolk County Poetry Review. It's the poem "The Impure Work", a version of which can still be found on this blog.

I would like to publish more. I plan to self publish a poetry zine sometime in the near future, but I am still pulling together the resources and trying to find the time and energy to do so. My goal is to have it done and printed before the end of this summer. This will be the first place I post the news so stay tuned.

I am still drawing and painting. I may post some of it here, but most of it goes up on Instagram, do check me out there if you get a chance (info in my bio). I'll also be having a small sale this summer, and next year will have enough work to show at a local library gallery for a month, so keep an eye out for information on that as well.

Thanks again to all my readers. I'll keep writing as long as it has value to me. I hope you're finding value here too. 

Now I need to go write today's poem ...

Be good to each other.

Thursday, May 18, 2023


inexorably moving across the quantifiable background 
we humans in awe projecting onto divine existence
artificial constructs
such as time

this portrayal of passing 
an egg of chaos the constant of change
memory flowing over a ripple warping through space
a literal illusion of time out of mind

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Yours To Disobey

life is as soft as down feather pillows
every day we are given carte blanche
break free and do as you please wherever
you fall something starts again

what doesn’t kill you is a game to play
shit in the street if you wish spit in the
eye of authority always watching
cloud the lens with vilest effluvia

if taking from the rich to feed the poor
is somehow unfair churning the poor on
the wheel of progress to squeeze out labor
is proportionally atrocity

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Failing For You

certainty held tightly is repulsive
unshakeable faith is hari-kari

show how you live with and own your mistakes
keep making them in passionate pursuit

something from within truly your own

Monday, May 15, 2023


an avenue without sight confirms
only the point of the question mark
so sure of your words’ aim
when you play in secret and pretend
but soon your mouth overflows

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Is It Human To Forget?

the passing hours ripple
peaks rising to light
troughs into obscurity
in time moments 
flash as they unfold
until there is still 
shameless water 
a perpetual present 
held up by its own 
dense impenetrable darkness

Saturday, May 13, 2023


i know the sandlots long for autumnal violins
but don’t languish in monotony kindred mongrel

blame the suffocating quandary of summer hours
and kiss me as a souvenir of brief and ancient joy

my eyes feast upon the shoreline the red lake light
this decadent sunset reminiscent of mortal peril 

these high wine drunk endings becoming
temporality a fuel for sudden impassioned parole

Friday, May 12, 2023

The Wilds Devour A Heart

a mouth opened in the leaves beside the lot
full of straight black teeth
uneven latticed mesh between
at the back of the maw 
a brilliant light caged
and the forest swallowed the sun

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Fusion of Fissile Souls

devoted you have my serene attention
turning simple opposites into a continuum
conversation into song into enchantments
delicate interwoven threads and pensive mazes

love becomes so alive in our momentary cadences
heights of empathy echoing in the high halls
irresistibly our families begin dancing
until inebriate with contentment we lay where we are

when we part the anguish is mortal but brief
our lives our solitudes firm alma maters we return

your work my work our friends 
gather us back into ourselves

then when we are newly whole 
we meet and begin again

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Cultivated Heart Gone Fallow

there were a few before who knew that place
the garden where you kept your finest stock
but since then it lies fallow gone to waste
all flowers compost mosses eating rock
but when you meet a loving soul your kind
what ground profound with richness you will find

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Haleakala Blue

for Jufe, Jenny, and Aidan

past behind feet firm on gritty red rock
you stood above the clouded-over haze
a blue expanse above your head netting
dreams steaming off for now cooling like sweat
to be held as rain for the right moment
long after descent perhaps sky opens
joining you there in possibility

Monday, May 8, 2023


May is the month with no foundation
you see what travails it sends me on
two eyes uprooted from the earth

i don’t know why you ignore it
how new leaves remain under a freezing night moon
notes always hinting at afternoon rain

the words we say are cut flowers in vases 
that bloom and endure in May
without love without unhappiness
branches filled with dangerous roses

the soulless come to aid the garden
but instead enchant the soil with pests
so May requests an immutable corner

situated between cream spring and honey summer
where the bodies that fell so long before turn and
at last at once all burst into beauty

Sunday, May 7, 2023


come lay your lips upon me at dawn’s inquest
i won’t swoon for festive laurels
such fire costs three fountains and a laughing rose
while leaking a twisted vermillion river of ammonia
fidelity sings rich piousness 
these free songs echo in the palace
but only alone with my various companions
do i know stability

Saturday, May 6, 2023

State Of The Blog: Doubts

No poem tonight. I am taking time to run a D&D adventure for my oldest son. Planning for that, and working on painting has taken most of the day.

But here’s a quick update on my doubts:

I am a little over twenty months into this project, and if I’m being honest, I'm feeling pretty low. While I know this writing practice has helped me develop my style, and more than ever I am writing poems I actually like, and while I am tremendously grateful for the very few of you who read and return to read, I can’t help but feel disheartened by what little readership this blog gets week by week and month by month. 

I have come to the conclusion that either (1) my poetry and other writing royally suck, (2) nobody cares about poetry anymore, or (3) all of the above.

One of my poems has been published in a recent anthology of Suffolk County Long Island Poets. I am waiting for my copies to arrive. I’m excited to have been published, but this kind of vanity press charges its poets for copies of their own work, and won’t get much attention outside of the circle of poets who published and then purchased the anthology. 

I have entertained the idea of self-publishing a chapbook of poems and art as a zine, but have had some difficulty working up motivation to continue the project with such low readership here. Social media feels like an increasingly poor way to advertise for the arts though, so a paper zine with a somewhat wider distribution, and possible electronic distribution, may be exactly what I need. Anyone who reads this blog will find out here first if that happens.

Ultimately, I’ll continue posting here until I don’t. I don't see stopping this practice any time soon. I only hope people will read, and share, and find some value here.

Be good to each other.

Friday, May 5, 2023


the last kids went in for the night so
i sat lonely on a wooden bench
the night sky was indigo
the full moon reflected down indifferent hazy light
the streetlights were off in the cul-de-sac
brick apartments dark courtyard quiet
across the street windows flashing blue
squat white houses with black-shingled rooves
someone hung their laundry on the line late 
and the damp white sheets shifted and shone dancing 
in the breeze 
and the moonlight
like a ghost lady’s gowns

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Graduation Party

seventeen and old for my age
backyard party with classmates
thinking i fit in with the adults
the stupid teenage things i said
everyone thinking just wait kid
the shy smiles and me singing
drunk on youth without shame

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Few Lines On Capitalist Self-Estrangement

no mystery left to a modern life
no magic nor wonder but grift of wealth
distraction is dear when despair runs rife 
and thrift a weakness in spite of itself

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

When I Finally Left

and last the empty living room complete
rain running down curtainless patio doors
gray daylight floods the faded carpeted floor
shadow depressions of once stable phantom feet 
the thrift store armchair with magazine pouch
and mismatched-cushion curb-acquired couch
hand-me-down ring-stained coffee table
burn hole from a fallen cigarette ember
conglomerate smells smoke food and dust
and musty old mildewed spills forgotten
startled by my own echo remember
the truck is full now and waiting in the lot

Monday, May 1, 2023

Law Makes Bad Science

"Since 'tis Nature's law to change,
Constancy alone is strange."
~John Wilmot

blind they decide all we 
need to know about sex
biological binary
man woman
missing all nuance

bodily systems overlap
some worms make 
both gamete cells
some fish switch
back and forth fluid

it’s queer how
law attempts to bind
while bountiful 
nature transitions

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...