Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Erstwhile Colorado

the river rushed by where the town stood
the grass was soft beneath
aching feet of the factory people 
whose scuffed black boots lay 
on warped brown wooden porches
parched throats soothed with iced sun tea
sprig of mint from a garden in the mason jar
lemon wedge in the glass
where the ice cubes clinked catching
the last light
after the last soft rain

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Echoing Light

the moon not just reflecting
redirecting sol now out of sight
it’s singing sun song
echoing light

you and i have been and gone
rippling into endless night
this is not me just projection
echoing light

this life is feather light
incandescent lovely bright
the darkest times aren’t quite
because we are

Monday, June 27, 2022

Government Haiku

i’d gladly tell the
government to go to hell
but they’d like it there

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Night Continues

the night continues
growing darker with no sign
of a coming dawn

she waits terrified
shallow breaths her body tense
in control no more

gun grease oil and blood
by political machines
forever inscribed

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Post-Apocalyptic Sketches

exploration of this ruin requires patience 
amounting to slow dark progression
out of the ashfall skirting the dust motes
the outlines of the plan still there in the steel and concrete
as are the signs of the long steady slip into silence

in the belief of superiority and the comfort of isolated knowledge
compartmentalization even in civil interactions and cultural participation
suckling at the mass market curling in the safety of the sold 
suspicious of
the wholly new
we quickly lost common ground privatizing the rest
even before we sheltered in place

in this underground once used for transit like a tunnel for a worm
stretching scraping through the rotten entrails of the urban rubble
a burrow for the vestiges of victors without a victory
since no one wins at war

Friday, June 24, 2022


red-faced fuck in a spoiled child tantrum
demeanor unbecoming of a high court judge
take a solemn oath and then lie before the panel
they ask about the law 
you say the law won’t budge

lied about the alcohol lied about the rape
putting on robes in the office that you ape

victimizing women with his legal choices too
justice Kavanaugh don’t give a fuck about you

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Haiku: Rain

rain strikes the river
ricochet off the surface
a storm upside down

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

To Erie Down Canadaway

follow the glassy green shine 
rippling on the water 
beneath the hemlock boughs
wind through the shadowed canopy
splitting the low summer sun into splinters of gold
flecks flitting in the rivulet ethereal fish
swimming to the open of the inland sea

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


summer is long glaring days
the buzz of the air conditioners
the hum of the fan rustling papers
closed blinds cool dim rooms

summer squirms in my humid skin
sun burning crisp the tops of my ears
sweat beading on my forehead
the resulting clustered pimples

summer is for late lonely walks
or a bike ride to the lake’s edge
friends calling you out for drinks
and turning off the ringer

summer has no confidences
i emerge only when i can hide
or rise to the rooftop’s cool breezes
cold drinks and a condensate of secrets

Monday, June 20, 2022


wrapped in blankets smothered 
drowning out the outside 
bounded and soundless
heaven to the tortured ear 
unaccepted permeant loss
worn like the albatross 
neck broken swinging 
shit pouring out on deck 
whether the man or the fowl 
in foul weather
the storm to be weathered
weathered and worn
torn asunder
run afoul

the sickness and its vessel
the alienated and the alienist
reprehensible to the daylight
shining eyes of the common
myself sightless i hide behind parole
to make me meaningful and whole
lend me the last shreds of my dignity
the rest returned in the wind
that final tempest
that mental Charybdis spin

caressing beak and feathers to chest
faithless stinking
shouting the prayer out to
nothing there

Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Language of Childhood

the language of childhood 
words steeped in hope
early poetic impressions
raw imaginative power

but first we reach the age
when it’s coo-coo not cool
then adulthood needs an app
to tippy tap and translate

and parents fear the boundary
between fantasy and danger

still waiting on that app

Saturday, June 18, 2022


failing is learning
success seeds thirst for the sky
try and fail and grow 
or fly and fall and grow
only never fail to try

Friday, June 17, 2022

Haiku: Sleep

sleep takes a lover
working backward from the end
first the eyes wander

Thursday, June 16, 2022


the maddening crush of invisible weight
nonphysical presence pressing
the relative relation of nonrelation
a thought pressure on the head imposing 
tension dripping wet and slick behind the ears 
thick as melted butter 
with the stink of fear

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


i always worked in bookstores
but in each the owners were pretentious pricks
who took no joy in peddling pages
angry their own were never published

or dumb as bricks businessmen and women
who didn’t give a damn for a book
but when it made them cash
to them it was a game of sales
and a bookstore an easy target 
to practice on

and there never was a better word than chains
for the corporate bookstores
where the clerks are paid pennies per hour
pushing promotions and memberships
for the rich to get richer
but at least there the corruption is bare

and the books themselves
just sit on the shelves
fall into hands or get dusted
words are not dead just encrusted and still
cocooned in the shops
lying in wait to hatch in a mind
and fly

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Betrayal Trip

conniving knives 
binding backs 
stabbing thriving hacks 
bloodlust and mud 
rusted out shouting about
DNA crowdfunding 
cracker jacks 
lacking the candy 
crush and crunch of youth 
the dopamine punches 
gone like a shot 
on the scene with the lean 
mean theater queen flirty
beckoning American cousin
not the dirty dozen
but in balconies
with John Wilkes Booth
sweet tooth teaser 
not fortuitous pushed
Caesar downed pin cushioned 
super bloody gratuitous 
how about you Brutus 
this time really thrust 
to drive home 
how much trust
is too much trust

Monday, June 13, 2022


curse this work the fucking thief
pharaoh has me in the field
it eats my time and pays me grief

who takes the bigger yield
heqet consumed the rest is sleep
the river dredged the barrow wheeled

my time is spent with none to keep
beneath the sun without relief
it’s useless now to weep

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Wake of The Dream

asleep my dreams are often just as real
leaving me asking if i’m feeling what i feel
all these senses translate in my head
sensational while immobile in my bed
while all good sense might tell me what is true
i dream of waking wishing that i knew

Saturday, June 11, 2022


stain on a shirt
scuff on the floor
watermarked window
tread soiled door

stress glazed work day
sarcasm tainted praise
anxious relaxation
sleepless nights 
exhausted days

diversion is despair disguised
freedom a fairytale too
escape is a delayed trap
the only way out
is through

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Ends of Humanism

people aren’t worth the winsome world 
that breach-birthed us into being

see when we profess to save the planet
clean the mess we made we mean
i guess
to save ourselves

for the little we scramble to gain
when at last we give our last
and are gone

regenerative resplendent 
earth will turn on and on

until the swallowing of the sun
or at least 
until the next exploiters come

Thursday, June 9, 2022


desire is everywhere
an airy ocean flowing
around life that
surges and retreats
and surges

do not desire?

i would sooner hold my breath
until my head swam
swimming the surge

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What To Do When The Words Won't Come

what to do when the words won’t come
just hum the tune
and think of the freest you’ve ever felt
heart brimming with love and pleasure
spilling over into song

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Voyager Three

each streetlamp a stationary star 
each house a planted planet
rooms countries behind gated walls
sometimes at war
bed is a state with
blankets sheets bodies rumpled topography
like a pillow hill and 
head the city teeming with life
that sometimes doesn’t sleep

we are worlds apart
i would come to you
make friends of interstellar neighbors
we could teach each other much i’m sure
i only wish i had the technology

until then
this is my interplanetary probe poem
saying we are here
hi there

Monday, June 6, 2022

Haiku: Burn Out

left is 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Kids These Days

there’s a menacing quality
to the teenage laughter of this neighborhood 

i have trust issues and
i know they won’t take me seriously

these kids bouncing balls and yelling at night
or driving windows down and tunes up loud
i am glad their enjoying themselves but
not at the expense of the solace of others

i’m not going to yell at them to get off my lawn
or turn down the goddamned music
how could they hear me in the clouds 

but on the ground

i have children of my own now who need to sleep
and i have jangled nerves that need untangling
and a need for a simplified life where things go right 
if only once in a while

Saturday, June 4, 2022


stay with me tonight

alone the darkness 
hungers sorrows

the wine is heartier together
the repast a joyous feast
sleep in warmth and safety

leave at dawn if you must or

remain friend
and i will hurl myself headlong
into the world’s gardens 
to give you a bounty of day

Friday, June 3, 2022

To June

i owe my heart’s late spring
to the golden light of June 
beaming through new green leaves 
scattered by schools of dandelion fluff 
swimming the air with the smell of cut grass
soft on palms and soles 
tossed childish laughter into hair
mixed by rolling down the hill side 
over side green stained jeans spin 
with arms tucked in

Thursday, June 2, 2022


tiny purple pebble fruit drupe
fermented in wine of fine vinegar brine
on my tongue alive saliva salty sea
i bite through that bitter skin and chew
unless i hit a pointed pit see
then i spit

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Haiku: Overcast

windblown slate gray sky
leaves hiss like TV static
mind becomes mirror

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...