Friday, June 30, 2023

Where There's Smoke Democracy's Burning

whatever the comfort of meaningless means
content to keep tracing my fingers in dreams
i finally woke up to sodium light
to find that the court had gone mad overnight
undoing the triumphs of seventy years
when i always thought that can’t happen here
a lifetime in office rich bribes on the bench
so toxic that nothing can cover the stench
Supreme Court afire an intolerant joke
a whole generation must learn to breathe smoke

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Despair Rides Shotgun

the whelming voice of self
bearable only as a tonic against oblivion
returned from service
sat in a car with despair
stared at a house never called home 
wept for nothing 
wept for everything
hopeless creatures swarming over dirt
unconscious drives called progress
given no time to reflect or relent
chained dragged along behind
a few to whom we sacrificed
all our power and will

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

When Last I Felt Contentment

that midwinter Sunday 
with my parents out
just as the late afternoon dark 
crept its shadow across the snow
stark black trees my only audience
i drew a hot bath and stripped bare
threw open the door and ran 

once around the house whooping unashamed 
naked muscles tensing every sinew shaking 
and leapt into a white drift rolling my body 
in a million sharp edges of ice

laughing madly inside i ran and slid 
down into the steaming tub of water
that winter evening darkening blue
reached through the window into my skin
filling me with warm quiet peace

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


while toiling today
in work i despise
i thought of Cézanne 

a pang of despair
for abandonment
for all rejection

things that enrich life
miserable hopeless
true pursuits for naught

grave undertakings
and the sleep of death
a refreshing breath

Monday, June 26, 2023

Needing/Deserving Alone

must be alone
suffer alone
die alone

must have time for solitude
guilty time in solitude

everyone’s needs more precious
these frantic needs selfish
no in-between

is this human or something less
often thinking deserving
being alone

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Last Crossing

heavy behind me
the heat and smoke sting my eyes
that bridge will fall soon

Saturday, June 24, 2023

History Of A Meadow

when those you love wage a war over space 
in your consciousness then leave the land scarred
the sky in sepia toned waves of smoke
the battlefield full of decaying dead
carrion crows and bones that for years prick
a high grass field of flowers rising from
earth fertilized by the bloody flesh of
words deployed explode become this blue sky
those who visit sense longing from the graves
unmarked restless vestiges once adored

Friday, June 23, 2023

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Happy Birthday

Every year it comes closer,
but week to week it seems
there’s no end in sight.
Here comes another cake,
the canned song,
the candlelight bright enough
to conceal your disappointment
for another night.

I grew up on a hill
in the old forest above 
an abandoned yellow field.
There I’ll find an empty burrow.
When I crawl in – a last favor –  
cover it with flat, shell-fossiled rocks,
moss and damp leaves.

Cool silence is a gift,
and I know the world will carry
on and on just as well
as it did before I came out

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


the bright clear light of
is closely followed by
the red glow of taillights 
shrinking in the fog

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Summer Solstice

Apollo’s chariot passes high
across the vast vaulted blue
lighting every poet’s passion
that focused flame of mind

while Dionysus lounges naked
in his shadowed vineyards
awaiting the sensuousness
of the brief experiential night

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Slump - Taking The Night Off

Howdy folks. Sorry, but my heart and mind are decidedly not in it for poetry tonight. I've been trying all day to put words and phrases together to no avail, so I am taking the night off in the hope that a short break will allow my brain to unclench.

I'm in a bit of a slump where drawing and painting are concerned as well. I am finishing up a commission, and for whatever reason, it's pushing me to my limits of confidence. I've reached a point where I can no longer tell if what I'm doing is any good, or has any value, and it's a crappy way to feel. But I'm going to finish this painting and then give myself the opportunity to experiment with some other styles.

I might be due for a similar mix-up where poetry is concerned as well. 

See y'all tomorrow.

Be good to each other.

Sunday, June 18, 2023


to measure self-doubt 
first throw yourself up
to your fundamental guts
and sift through the slurry

find lurking in the background 
critical voices and internalized boundaries
a trip through rented fears
unhappy photographs

looking process figuring worrying
to that final redemptive moment
where the work stops in understanding
bright able lucky focus knowing

the journey to tomorrow 
requires winging trust

Saturday, June 17, 2023

From Longing To Longing

when the heart desires
what cannot be fulfilled
it both dies and is left to grieve
the ensuing purgatory
is only more silent longing
for living is just new desire
from the ashes of the old

Friday, June 16, 2023

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Whiskey Perseus

i once hunted
and i haven’t seen a monster like you
in long time

claws always up
in those crashing waves of hair
eyes wide searching aware

this barroom is no cage
we are prey growing too lazy in your lair
when you look my way

i know not to meet your gaze
my unquiet heart already once petrified 
i drink and pretend among the statues

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Night Out

night's coolness washes 
a cold white wine 
down the torrid throat of day
her knock comes soft as a smile
the excited sparkle in her eyes
moonlight on a river
rushing rushing 
to the riotous free roiling
of the city’s teeming sea

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


yes it’s about the words that’s right
there’s a rhythm there’s a beat yes right
heavy with a concept 
or nuanced lean and slight
language longing to be music

Monday, June 12, 2023


let yourself be a fearless star exploding
in the dark of a long and righteous night
head thrown back arms wide stance splayed
jaw dropped in awe eyes open shining bright
blasting insides out and warming space
fueling sails and life while worlds around you wind
inspiring with brilliant fusion binding
not suffering stares of jealous fools you blind

Sunday, June 11, 2023


i don’t have patience for bare tree branches
when i paint them i load them with leaves
after the fall i count the days to spring
so much time idling waiting for green
thinking about fractals ferns fungal roots
succulents rivers veins neurons in my head
and i admire anyone who will take the time
before the thaw to draw each limb and twig
my jealousy climbs and splits and splits again 
and blooms like a red rose vine

Saturday, June 10, 2023

One Wish For Humankind

i wish for one day
humankind could experience 
the pure trust and joy i’ve seen
in my boys at four-years old
on a spring Saturday on an open lawn
arms wide running laughing
face turned up to the sun
as if they knew they could fly

Friday, June 9, 2023

Wishing For Freedom Under Heel

wasn’t anything in particular
took the cyclone from your sails
the welter wheel and the tin can rains
the nights we fought the rats off 

desire for the unyielding storm
they regard this as a second coming 
but hard stones betrothed to needles
find forever shadowed on the forest floor 

cut in cross sections locked in ankle bracelets 
deep in empty pockets with the poor 
truth in opposition even in crosshairs still
fuses and refuses to lick the boot

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Black Scratches

these thin black scratches
ones in a white field of zeroes
red poppies in high green grass
dandelions and violets in the lawn
low orange sun in a deep blue sky

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Breathing Smoke

morning light orange
sun like a sodium lamp
only in hell would 
nature mimic man

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Drinking A Memory

writing by this lamp in humid silence
ice melting slowly a glass of whiskey
condensation on the outside seeping
into the paper coaster she bought last
summer at one of the wineries we
went to while on vacation where i spit
into the bucket as she swallowed sweet
dandelion wine and later drunk came
to my door with those coasters in one hand
whiskey in the other her dress clinging 
to the sweat on her chest asking if 
i had an interest two glasses and ice

Monday, June 5, 2023

A History of Opposition

human manifested orders of opposites
defining everything against everything 
legacies of inherent antagonism
a lifetime to learn another to leave behind 

what pain caused without intention
a child worries acting without knowing
years later to hear the result in shame
but no clear chain of chaos growing link by link

connecting ends and means
in a composite strand

Friday, June 2, 2023

Taking The Weekend

No post tonight or for the next two unless inspiration strikes.

This past week was a short one for me in my day job as a technical writer because of the Monday holiday, but even so, it really drained my batteries. My brain needs a little break.

I will likely do some drawing and painting this weekend, and might post some of that here. But poetry takes a special kind of mental effort.

Back Monday night if not before.

Be good to each other.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


some strain to hear heroes break
pronounce and laud the rule of law
with silence growing in the seas 

this unbearably vociferous time 
the opaque is warped translucent 
black smoke curls around the dawn 

violence volunteers 
its fracturing fists as answers 
when questions pile high

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...