Saturday, April 30, 2022

Haiku: Returned From War

sword and sheath couple
spade turned soil made to receive
the cup filled with seeds

Friday, April 29, 2022


light blue sheet all clean a square slice of sunny sky
hanging on the laundry line all breezy getting dry
dripping drops of water to the dirt and making muck
wants to sail the winds but pins and rope have got it stuck

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Dying Flowers

crooked green stems like straws standing in the glass
a few yellow petals gently press the old water’s tense surface
scattered on the table trembled slightly as she passed
leaves fringes wilting drying darkly curling
i envy the seeds clustered at their centers
their silent compact comprehension of becoming 
filled to capacity with time

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Portrait Of A Con

cigarette stain yellow cloud of cotton-candy hair set
over shallow forehead waxy sallow spray-tan skin 
thick fringe yellow-grey fur on heavy boned ridge
thick lidded narrowed eyes too close to a penis-tipped nose
parenthetical flabby jowls around 
pursed pink thin sliced pouty pork chop lips
shallow round chin sinking into a robust pallid turkey wattle
gathered round muffin-topping the white collar cinched
black suited simp with a luscious over-long red silk tie

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

First Impression of a Francis Bacon

nude twisted bodies wrestle grinning 
head and teeth askew in ecstatic agony 
on the bed a fabric wrapped thigh man 
meat made modest but for everything else elevated
slow rigid telemetry that creak
and scrape the penetrating stroke
a palette knife on the fluids sheet
gray and purple green and blue
skin on skin sweat slick oil primal
unprimed mattress-cum-canvas

Month Eight

I started this blog in August 2021 for my personal project of writing a poem a day every day for a year. This was to establish and continue a daily writing practice. I’m posting them on this blog to keep myself honest, and really for no other reason. But of course, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the idea of sharing them with you.

Missed Days
I’ve only missed four days/posts in that time, and my penance was to write and post to make up for the missing posts, which I did. There are already more posts in this blog than the one a day I’ve promised myself (and the very few of you reading this), so I think I can let myself off the hook. For the most part, however, until I’m on vacation again this summer, the days of posting more than one poem a day are few and far between.

Personal Struggles
As some of you may know, my dad died in December 2021, and my mother, grieving and ill, needed to have surgery in March. I travelled upstate to see her, take her to some medical appointments, and to get some of her affairs in order. Time with my parents was already taxing because of the kind of people they are/were. Even with just my mom … well, she’s doing double duty with her anxiety over the surgery (from which she is recovering very well now) and all of the other problems my dad’s death has created for her.

As you may guess from some poems and other writings here, my dad was a deeply flawed human being, and in addition to grieving the loss of her partner of over 37 years, my mother is deeply entrenched in the work of figuring out how to forgive him for her own peace of mind. She’s also sorting through various financial messes my father created in the years leading up to his hospitalization last August. Supporting her through this, even in the limited ways I can, is difficult, but of course she bears the lion’s share of that effort.

With all of that and more on my mental and emotional plate, the novel I was working on (first draft more than half complete) and my TTRPG hobbies got shelved for many months. I plan to pick it all up again in the coming weeks. All that’s missing is a little motivation and a scrap of a sense of self-worth, the last bit of which dropped into an existential void in the weeks following my dad’s death.

The one thing that was constant in all this time, is this blog. 

The poems here are admittedly not great. Most of them are not even good. I guess I can’t ask for much from these tangles of words, most of which I only had a few broken pieces of hours to piece together. But I think I’ve improved over all, and a handful genuinely seem like they could become something more.

In my post “Month Three” [linked] I mentioned possibly combing this archive for rough gems when it’s all written and done, polishing them up, and creating a chapbook. That prospect is still appealing to me.

As for the visual arts portion of this blog: I’m learning how to paint with acrylics and oils. I am unwilling to post anything yet because I have a lot more to learn and need a lot of practice. I am sketching in ink quite a lot, and also doing some watercolor, watercolor pencil, and colored pencil sketches that are turning out well that I may post here from time to time. But mostly this blog is still just for my writing practice and poetry, so sharing my scrappy, slightly shoddy adventures in the art world will likely be kept to a minimum.

My Novel
As for my novel … I would like to finish the first draft before the summer. It would be lovely to give myself the birthday gift of a first rewrite at the end of June, but I make no promises.

In any case, things are fine. The blog goes on.

Stay well and be good to each other.
- MS

Monday, April 25, 2022

Fat Shame Sketches

i’m built like a trailer full of trash
resenting my body like i got nothing to do with it
my mind would orphan this form in a 
heart beat 
but then that’s the problem

and i dreamed somebody asked why are you so sad
and i said i have to wear this fucking meat suit everywhere i go 
and it’s all that i can do to forget it
i can’t shed it
i don’t want to be seen 
but it’s too hard to miss me
if i was Joshua from Nazareth
even fucking Judas wouldn’t kiss me

the condition of this carcass even rhymes with my name
added thickness from the layers of internalized shame

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Art Block

books of blank pages silently accuse
a dozen unused brushes in a red cup
pens ink drying in their reservoirs
pencils so sharp they could draw 
the blood of an accidental hand
reaching for something beyond them
and hesitating at the sting confused 
for fear of failure

Saturday, April 23, 2022


memories gilt shine in the lowest light
but in the darkness of night all guilt
reminders remainders regrets 
words misspoken and sad silences
these are the guides we have into the mists
the unspoken future
any gold fired arrow guide rope tied
missed and is later found broken if at all
so consult no augury
this moment now your last

Friday, April 22, 2022

A Prayer Is No Offering

a prayer is no offering
where nothing is promised nothing is gained
your soul is your own to fend for
true awareness presented wholly is holy
your unchained will is sacred
exercise it and be born anew
with the wisdom of your life now
to nourish you

Thursday, April 21, 2022


screened through the mist of a spring evening
warm grey light haunts the window
passes through the glass
and dusts the desks edge the floor
a melancholy pollen over generative pages

smells of wet asphalt and cut grass
pass in through thin cracks 
where humidity contorts the frame
i am half comforted by the intrusion 

and i see the birds have eaten all the seed
from the feeder in the four small trees
this side of the neighbors’ walk
and look forward to the leaves
that will swallow the view

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

On Seeing a 19th Century Drawing of a Monkey Undergoing Vivisection

the doctor worked his science
blank eyes stared at the artist
who somehow also captured
the metallic scent of blood
but not the simian the mouth
a line curving down something
but none was drawn
but for the opening of the chest
flesh like lips peeled aside
screaming red
and pinned to the table

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


when i knew it was a dream
i cast away the shadows with a wave of a hand
the ceiling peeled away
and leaping i flew into the sky with a view
of blue snowcapped peaks

i woke robed in golden morning light
panicked I was late for work 
the clocks had no faces
so i knew it was a dream when
the shadows closed in

Monday, April 18, 2022

Memento Mori

after the endless wars
fields of delicate white-petaled daisies 
disks mirroring the yellowed sun
powdery stamina thrusting
rising tender green stems
through the sockets of the soldier’s skull
now windows for other souls

Sunday, April 17, 2022


beneath the poppies’ pollen
the nectar of painless sleep
while far afield and forgetting
aimless and idling among the waiting deep

go now love you are released
at peace you find the passageway
tonight the living voice and blood have ceased
and memory lives to walk the day

Saturday, April 16, 2022


forge that which fills you
overflowing with joyous purpose
what excites your mind in the wakeful night
and gives you a flame of found focus so deep
a day is gone before you emerge
cracking at last the crystalline chrysalis
transformed in the act of creation

Friday, April 15, 2022

Incline Chorus

those distant dissonant sonorous voices
singing the sun up over the horizon
heavy lifting facing south and shifting
left foot right right foot right left foot –

under the star the shadows arc
light splits into the gift of color
oh to slouch in the lawn reflecting on the grass
soaked in the music of the garden's living thrum
into afternoon as aft the passing day presses
half a head into evening reflecting on the dawn
as this ship wends its course thru the outer ocean
of perceptually endless night

rattle of human voices hum of throats
honks whistles wheezes buzzes chimes
bells rung tongues into language that organism
it only knows its selves disseminating differ and defer
a measure of time where letters are seconds
words are minutes
a sentence an hour
a paragraph a day
a page a month
an essay a year

a conversation a lifetime
unfinished in the end

the lights dim down and off
the windows flicker blue 
a screen’s a window too

go now to bed children
the faster you sleep the sooner to dawn
the silence of darkness
is the beginning of song

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Déjà Vu

light enters our eyes
our minds afterward catch up
living in the past

predictive machines
forever grasping phantoms
of expectation

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The End of History

bare feet calloused kissing earth and stone
red ochre stains in finger webbing there
hands on the bare rock 

in flicker licking shifting firelight
the fathers the sons those in between the mothers the daughters
and the generations all together in and on the bare rock

Push back the edges of night 
and curate the shadows
they will tend the flames

the generations preserve the coals
carried on into the cold darkness
in the horn the home borne

from hearth to hearth
where warm red hands scrape aside
an age’s spent gray ash

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

Haiku: Moonflower

sunlit petals clenched 
night blooms the pale white flower
mirroring the moon

Sunday, April 10, 2022


that word that means transformation
as the i splits again and becomes a greater we
however that happens

the same one is a shapeshifter 
even in daylight hours
on the whim of unchained imagination
a horse to ride around in the house
or a dinosaur resurrected
the counterpart parent sometimes sterner or 
more forgiving
as needed

the weekend pirate 
building forts to shelter wonder
seeking the lost forbidden treasure
of time

the same one who offers explanations openly 
while also protecting that which is fragile 
and most precious

and because strength is quiet and listening still
crying from pride or compassion
and never deriding for the same

the same one who knows sacrifice
to do whatever must be done to engender
a child’s trust without trepidation

Saturday, April 9, 2022


enveloping the red brick buildings 
shifting mists on the pale snow grey shadows
the clear melt water pooling on the sidewalks
reflecting a child’s yellow boat upside down

the dissonant echo of a footfall
the jangle of keys on a blue-baubled chain
damp spring air collected on the threshold
between the evergreen hedges a door swings open

Friday, April 8, 2022


sometimes words buzz all through me
like bees making honey in the hive
sweet and thick and golden overflowing my eyes 
running out of my fingertips onto the keys

sometimes i am a hollowed honeycombed husk
bands of grey paper coming apart in a high wind
egg sacks that didn’t hatch 
mummified dried in hexagonal pens

on those restless rustling days
head heavy with emptiness
i make myself an apiary
and search for swarms

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Jornada del Muerto

white explosion bubble swelled like bulb
or a blister ready to burst
unfurling the first rose of science bloomed over the desert
the route of the dead man
green glass leaves on the ground
now open for tourists

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Ruin Cycle

fragile afternoon crumbles to crumbs
rubble around my feet 
i sweep through the night and sleep
awakening to the aging edifice of morning

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Liminal Season

outside burning brittle city rusts
branches haven’t yet budded
reaching red like frigid fingers
trunks gnarled barren gray and brown
parking lot brick garden boxes
overflow with drowsy daffodils
yellow headed tilting back
many looking down
people jacketed faces pinched
leaving work heaving sighs
shrugging off one muffling mask
to don another home

Monday, April 4, 2022


a dance with decadence ends with decay
for even measured cadences betray
a need where middlemen fain to decide
between the means or mean deride

Sunday, April 3, 2022


welcome cruel season
never are the dead more tangled
in the roots of the living
overflowing gutters rain
rivulets mutter gather in puddles
in through the cracks 
basements fill with whispering phantoms
singing of damp warm birth

Saturday, April 2, 2022

No Cave

there’s no switch to flick to turn this off
we are sensory projectors with light receptors
the reel and the real spinning and mixing
there is no outer form only screen
of which we are a part 
we cannot make a mistake
there is no such thing

Friday, April 1, 2022

Spring Rain

blue night’s parched throat
opens out on a long moan
wind harbinger of rain
the lover’s warm tongue
this kiss ignites the season

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...