Thursday, March 31, 2022


trees sway branches waving in the wind
dendrites firing into a gray matter sky
what tender memories of the world transmit
what thoughts adrift in the airy blood of the atmosphere
the alien consciousness of earth mind 
asleep a billion years
dreaming all of this 
into existence

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Practice Room

amazed alone
swimming in the fish bowl
the water is music
closed door and four chords
played on an out of tune piano
rippling my ears the air
light dripping like honey
through the window gold
laying lazy on the floor refracted and warm
in my self-same elemental chaos
there is no need to introduce the order
of social interactions where the cracks
stand out stinging singing solos spot-lit
not this exquisite harmony
of solitude

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Untitled 3.29.22

streetlights haloed in
spiderweb scratches pinwheel spinning
cotton candy backlit on a stick
hot chocolate and mint on her breath
still hot and sweet on her lips 
before i pull away

because i am dragging this cauldron of ashes 
from things i have touched
through every evening’s streets
loves confidences bridges

i know i don’t deserve 
the little love i have left i treasure
i know i know
it takes no convincing

before the loss pierces my once impenetrable hide
before a final acceptance
of the various densities of age

projecting my mind high into the air
wings of a dragon on the night wind
to the ledge above the secluded green overgrown grotto
where the meager trove of my worth remains hidden

Sketchbook XI


Just waking up - Portrait - mixed media watercolor, colored pencils, and ink

Monday, March 28, 2022

Mariana Mind

bearing the burdensome weight
down in measureless depths dark blue
hiding beneath seas seeming eons alone
shadows pass and fade saying stay
but shame always lays along the densest bone
another night-long day is nothing new
sundown seeking a littoral cave seal the gate
sheltered seaweed wreathed and safe here away

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Falling Star

when those who gave you freedom 
are those who bring you shame
remember the falling star is a meteorite
just a rock assigned too much meaning
burning up to nothing in the atmosphere

Saturday, March 26, 2022


as dying lilacs lay darkly in their leaves
and lowly lilies listless lovers wilting
tiny suns shine spreading across lawns
that yellow light yawning closes at night
petals like feathers and seeds that take flight
wild weeds even lovelier to children’s eyes
i solemnly swear i will never turn 
soil sour against a dandelion

Friday, March 25, 2022

Man O' War

i long for the lost confidence in confidences
between friends who felt closer than kin
for the playful confessional openness
self-assured unselfishness and unselfconsciousness
as a single organism never in conformity
never in uncertainty formed the question of belonging
along with no need to belong
for one wounded was still many hands strong
man o’ war
but we made for a poor siphonophore
age and wave-lashed dismembered 
pulled thrashing parting on diverging currents
until the loneliness of time’s hollow din
remembers us aglow again
if only in spirit

Thursday, March 24, 2022

No Man Is

street light burnt never felt so good
illuminated white almost like the sun once glowed
an island of white in wet blue night
a sodden newspaper slaps applause
from the rushing black river of the road

awaken dimmed amber sodium vapor light
park bench still damp leaf smell on the wind
sit and listen to the chattered whispers
the dried husks of the fallen dead drying

a red sun waits over the bleached bones
cracked earth sunken in furrows surround the cradle
rising as an island in a sea of dust

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


on a clear river beneath the willows
like leaves we float at ease
there is no demand but that the sun will set
and then we will run the darkening streets

in the end you would sprint ahead 
as was always your way
i increased my pace only a little
and embraced the sweet weariness and burning breath

it felt like a green and golden lifetime
the laughter longing and melancholy conversations
but the waiting dream of time was too stark
and we all fell asleep

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Basic Needs

nests of needles coats of quills
venomous vittles vinegar wine
acid aerosol atmosphere
charity rarity mine mine mine

Monday, March 21, 2022


Io and Europa sail their currents
before Jupiter's enormous eye
and i am again reminded
of the tiny alien life
    we on this pale, blue dot

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Dying Wight Winter

when the world opens unfolding flowering
as a droplet from red rust in a glass of water
warm spring air teases mist off snow mounds
whose melt bears oily rainbows
in the waste-water

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Consequences of Hatred

where do you think this wrath will propel you
already wreathed and weighted 
in fruits of ignoble pursuits
orphaned in betrayal
submerged in mistrust
with no will or want of a lifeline
awaiting the opportune time 
for enmity’s dagger twist and thrust
to wound and down
though there you drown

Friday, March 18, 2022

Little Gusts

born alone of thought
borne along on thought alone
the child like a vessel for demands
purpose served discarded
wind-blown wastrel hemmed by fences
of unearned loyalty

that soft shifting rattle and high sad crackle
like a plastic bag pasted by breeze to the chain link
small voice wanting to be heard
taught it is inconsequential
convinced of its purposelessness
does not want to be set free
but held and cherished

listen love
invest the quiet ramblings with value
with patience and willing ears
the best gusts
are little and persistent
and require devoted attention

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Lingering Scents Of Remembered Hope

embedded with no empathy
entrenched with no egress
i could pretend i’m not invested
divest myself of the mess
and lessen the desperation
all for the red coal bed of cold despair

but i remember spring nights
and the dryer vents pushing perfume
into the excited intoxicated night air
the ripe grapes in the fall flavoring the mist
the lilac and the tiger lily
the cucumber gin and tonic
wooded vanilla wined whiskey
the slick wet strawberry kissed

and there is still something there
smell of her shampoo in clean wet hair
the still wet arms enfolding
the water droplets glistening 
and falling from her rose-tipped breasts
to my tight excited chest

lying in the warm darkness breathing
at last the rest is rest
intermittent calm and dribbles of sympathetic commiseration
many moons of coffee spoons perhaps
a measured stable messiness is best

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


unconsciously woven of words long before birth
made to catch and wrap the infant
to sink into the skin with age
glistening gossamer threads to structure the skeleton
to form frameworks for perceptual reference
and reinforced with gradual understanding

in this way we genetically modify our young

what does it mean to be
genuine authentic
when consciousness is a cobwebbed box of borrowed books
civilization a system for consistency
culturally inbred brined and bullied

i often think of the fish in the joke
wondering “What the hell is water?”

at university i studied underwater basket unweaving
i find myself perpetually pulling loose strings
then wrapping myself so tightly in meshes
eventually i’m back outside

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Conflict II

nothing in the cupboard
gray as mist
a fortnight starving in rubble
one man's bruised ego

Monday, March 14, 2022


there is a slick bloody demon
muffled and muzzled 
bound and lunging on a black chain
to a stuck muck drain 
in a chamber of my oubliette heart

sometimes if too often prodded
sweat slickened muscles bulging 
it slips free and revels in rages
ripping through restraints
gnashing teeth and shredding claws
lashing links as the leash 
is made weapon
the drain backs up 
all bubbling ichor and hot copper smell
the heart becomes a fuming Gehinnom

with stoked ire roaring in my chest
eyes welling and jaw clenched
I scream and flail as if possessed
and I want to bloody my fists bashing
all the walls of my cage

then in shame it subsides
placated the demon sleeps and is again tied
but never dies

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Out Of Joint

while i was away i got pushed around
bent out of shape
now i’m back home and everything’s refracted
my same old clothes seem cut wrong
seams in 
strange places
others’ expectations awkward and restrictive
choices being offered are too few
i’m stumbling over boundaries blindly pushing past limits snapping strings

and there is no time to decide
between forcing it and faking it
or breaking it
taking consequences as they come

one way is safe 
one way is good
both are wrong

so i wait shaking on this threshold
birthing a world in a doorway
taking on the resulting messes
watching for the form that

Saturday, March 12, 2022


there is porous organization in custom built biomes
reinforcing the changes of the long-awaited art
fever pitch resting in the pitcher’s reservoir
reach out and pour we are all just visiting

corporeal forms integrated into the fine fabric of being
the wet works begin in the skin of the thin men
the burnished heart of quietude will blind the willfully deaf
you are not alone in this chamber begotten one

forge your destiny against the hot rocks of savage deserts
wander in the land with seeds and plant your homes
the fruit that is borne from wasteland to wasteland
makes tomorrow’s richness honey from the hive

there was time before you and time still before you
stretching out like floodwaters from a broken dam
that which was forgotten is remembered in the cells
passed down expressed and blooming in her children

Friday, March 11, 2022

Narrow Is The Way

narrow is the way
world weary wanderers
with only a candle to carry
go forth and forge your armor
for even through the finest furrow
by the smallest chosen individual channel
you go not alone
and are beset with wonders
and horrors and boredom
the worst and best and blandest
assailed on all sides
be not delayed nor detained
rest awaits you by and by

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Nothing To Say

i feel like i owe this but tonight i have nothing to give
questioning what i know and the lies that allow me to live
and if truth is a thing of this world like that dead French guy said
then why am i jumping at shadows and ghosts in my head
the dark hides no secrets that the light doesn’t equally blind
there are really no opposites that as a child used to fill up my mind
there are no opposing forces just forces
cowboys were working men who rode horses
knights were servants not heroes
numbers grow as they gather more zeroes

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sublimation Water Lilies

the shadow self to the green and even 
saucer floating placid
agitated underside fleshy ridged 
enraged purple red

allows liberties with 
his anger more often

lets it flower exploding open 
above the surface
spike petals screaming 
pointed in pink-faced fury
righteous fire placed blazing center 
at last almost gleeful spreading free

then as suddenly
doused and dolorous 
in the growing reservoir
of shame

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


lying on thick green carpet eye level
filaments of light in a sunlit starfield
above dust motes substantiating 
swirling yellow beams alive
prop up the windows and walls

eyelid red screens of blood vessels pulse
dozing warm and mellow living room
on a summer late afternoon
parents out television and radio silence
the child alone sleeps his unregimented relief

Monday, March 7, 2022

Thrice Denied

my mother told me praying 
wouldn’t help
on the twenty-fifth mile of the marathon
she handed me a cup of water
and said i couldn’t make it
before i left for college she said
you used to smile all the time
why are you so unhappy

today she wondered aloud to no one
why my brothers don’t come around
she said her sister and her friends
used to help her but now
they say they can’t make it
when i mentioned she can seem ungrateful
or negative toward her caregivers
she asked when

i told her things she said to me
and she said
i never said no such things

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Spirit Writing

staring at
the only ghosts in this house

scratch marks scoring 
the painted-over electrical outlets

tell the story 
of my elderly dad
in the last years of his life
exiled to 
his own bedroom
on the other side 
of the house

hands shaking
failing sight
often drunk
trying to connect

the plug for his phone 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Talking To Myself

This isn’t shit or This ain’t shit
either way i’m right
depending how i’m feeling
on any given day

these words ordered as they are
blemishes or beauty marks on the blank page

either i find shelter in the shade of the poets i love
or i am beneath them
sitting in their shadows

for now, it’s impossible to feel i have form
and cast out
one of my own

Friday, March 4, 2022

History's Chorus

obituary pages pasted on pavements
with coronary cornstarch red femoral food coloring
white and black and bloody fingerprints all over

thought safe at a distance

in a hospital hallway father lost and leaning
over white sheeted son keening
sixteen years from womb to war
soccer field to stretcher

but music reaches seeking ears

the long conjoined wailing wind
of human history 
sings only of its end

Thursday, March 3, 2022


marriage ties

the slip of the noose

and shoelaces

corded keeper of histories

tightly wound 

uncomfortably bound

stomach all tied up in

the lump in your throat

tongue tied

sometimes sacred

Isis had one

but so can a dog’s dick 

check the wood

or do the math, ends joined irrevocably

as a rope to a boat

or its speed in the water


even unsolvable

or solved with violence 

like Alexander

but let’s not

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


the light has lifted at last
with a whistling significant effervescence
glint dropping rising up from grass blade sheen

songs of longing splash and spill and flow from
passing car blasting low
bass exploding spring beats
crashing rattling windows

but what’s that falling from the sky

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


there once was a spirit but in another age
caught between a lithesome body of untamed wilderness from our birth
and Apollonian intellect born of biochemical curiosity
sharing space and breath with me upon the uncertain earth

the rippling air around her frame
convulsed with compressed sound expressed as light
and the gossamer aura between her fingers
sheathed mine as we breathed in the Dionysian night

what extinguished the flame was my wandering lust
and her need to trace vectors through my scalar form
she lit the dawn with tirades and furious gusts
quantifying the skies with calculus eyes unceasingly chariot borne

Thoughts on Bots, Poetry, and Coming Back Again

I checked my blog's numbers after my last post. My readership seemed to be exploding, but considering the volume was all from Singapore,...